Women and money

Love, money and women

If this was an IQ test and you see three words: money, girls and love, which one does not go with the others? What is your answer seriously?

Do women go for rich guys, that is men with money? Not in my book. I do not care what some Freudian looking academic will tell you about how women want to marry a millionaire, you can get girls without money. Sure many girls are attracted to a rich guy like a fish to a shiny fishing lure. However, I have had money and I have not and for me it made no difference in terms of attracting girls. And the girls that go for money governed by their appetite desires and reptilian brains are not worthy of you.

American women and money – Many American women have high expectations in terms of men and wealth. They after all are seeking to attract a potential mate and provider.  American girls have a reputation of being materialistic. When I use to date a girl like that, I would simply explain, ‘if you marry for money it will be the hardest way to earn it’, and dropped them like a bad habit.  Do not let yourself be talked into the American cultural idea that money and marriage and love are connected. They are not.  Love and money are never ever connected.

There was a time when I was unemployed and I think I was dating the most women and of the best quality. There was a time when I had a high-powered six figure job and I dated losers.

Personal examples of love for love not money

  • When I meet my wife I was unemployed, lived in a 190 square foot apartment and had no car. Oh one more thing, I spend an inordinate amount of time talking about what good price I got on carrot juice.  She is a beautiful spiritual person.
  • My brother when he got married 30 years ago had no income, really they lived on cordial dogs and noodles and now he is a millionaire . The funny thing about it is they say they are just as happy as they were when they are poor. With love cash makes no difference.
  • My mother married my father who was a very poor man. He grew up in a two room apartment with eight people, he slept on the floor. My mother’s family was in the United States longer and was much better off. They have been married 59 years and he is a millionaire.  Of course, when they were poor they loved each other just the same, it makes no difference if you are a spiritual person.

A well paid job is highly over rated

Guys wake up, the biggest lie when you are in your 20s is a well paid job is something good to strive for. In your 30s maybe you still believe this as you see other guys pulling ahead of you and you need to compete. If you still are believing this myth in your 40s you probably should have a big ‘L ‘ on your forehead.

Think of movie stars, they all get divorced. They all have tons of assets and basically all, with few exceptions, get divorced. VIPs are unhappy.  There are no Romeo and Juliets among that crowd. Consider this:

  • Rich guys are poor in dating – All, not some mind you, of my rich lawyer friends and business capitals of industry got less women to choose from than I.  I am not Brad Pitt either. I could date many intelligent beautiful women as a poor man. Guys that work all the time or were attracting women with money, got very fake boring girls and lower quality in terms of looks. Trust me on this love and money are two different ideas.
  • A high paid job will cost you in terms of health. You will be in for a short life and a sluggish, mildly depressed life.
  • A high paid job destroys your soul if you start to attach your ego to it. All you will be is your money, what happened to the child inside you?
  • Most guys that are high paid are boring and girls know this. Any guy that is interesting will get more girls that could fall in love with him than a rich guy. Girls do not respect rich men. I do not know why. They laugh at them.
  • Poor guys and women – Many poor guys are total player and have wives and many kids. Rich guys if they get married they have like 1 or 2 and their wives leave them.
  • I see really rich and famous guys marry hopeless women. I see many poor guys marry submissive beautiful fairly tale princess they that will cherish them all the days of their lives.

If you have not figured it out by now, the corporate world is sticks. This is not living. I understand if you need to pay the bills but do not put your ego and pride into your job. A job is just that, to pay the bills if does not define you.If you understand this you will not have to worry about girls and money. Love is something spiritual. Love is from God.

Girls do not want wealthy guys, this is a distorted view of reality, women want sincere loving men to be interested in them even if they do not work on Wall Street. At least the really beautiful women do not go for rich guys. That is the rule.

What to do on a date if you have no money

  • Go to a used bookstore and buy some worn out copy of your favorite writer and take your date to a park bench and read to her. Make it a big deal, pick some flowers and make some peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. If you have charm this will work better than any expensive restaurant.
  • Walk along the river and charm her with fantastic stories of your childhood.
  • Tell her about your family or friends or something you are passionate about while you sit in a meadow.

These are a few ideas to start. But if you start from the beginning that money is not part of your relationship, then she has no choice but to love you for who you are. If she does not, it is better you go your separate ways as she is not poet enough to see your beauty.

What if you are poor and can not get a date? Put your life in God’s hands and say God whatever you want of me, thy will be done. There is someone for everyone and if you open your mind and heart and ask the universe to bring you what you need in your heart of hearts and you will use your gifts for Gods work on this earth, you will be able to move mountains. You will not get any more dates, you will get your one and only love. However, you must be willing to give up all that you have, including your attachment to money to find this peal of great price.

What about women who have financial plans, believe in prenups and mutual funds

Good for them, do they want love or money. God give each of us a very limited time here and God is love. God does not care about your bank account. If you want to live like your divine creator, a life of love and fulfillment, enter relationships not based on cash, but love. Love is always enough.

What about all these financial adviser women and lawyers tell you that you need a prenuptial agreement and love and money are to be well thought out? I would not ever date any of them, they are some 40 something girls with short hair and a control stick to grid. They are lost souls.

Oh one more thing, they are not attractive on bit. These women financial gurus and advisors are not exactly cordial.

If not money what do women want?

They want someone who makes their heart skip a beat when they come into the room, someone who turns their world upside down, that if you tell them to turn the page of a book they will. Someone who makes the moon appear in the sky and the stars shine at night. You can be a total geek with no money, but if you are a girl’s champion and with all the sincerity in your heart believe she is your other half and pursue her and look her in the eye and tell her you need her, until she has no choice but to love you, then this is what a women wants. Total surrender.

Being single is lonely

All single people are lonely

I do not know why people are afraid to admit this but being single is painfully lonely. You often feel you will never meet anyone.  All single people are lonely, including me before I was married. The purpose of this post is to not only tell you why this is true but give you a real solution, that I think few people give you.

Do not kid yourself and say I enjoy being single.  Sure I know guys that are in their 40s and still going to the pub and tell me they like their freedom. Even guys that are players. However, like in the movie Family man mpst of the confess they wish they were in my shoes, that is married to a cordial young beautiful wife and have a child. A wife who is there for them and really makes them happy. My single friends tell me I am really lucky. I know, I was once single and lonely myself.

Perhaps, you have had a series of misfires in terms of relationships and you feeleven if you find your mate it will be just some variation of someone you dated in the past.  This is the farthest things from the truth. When you meet the person you are suppose to be with it is a radical departure from anything you have ever experienced in the past.

Why give up being single?

  • Lust and other pleasures of the flesh – What are you so puritanical to admit this? When you are married you can have this as much as’ boom boom’ you like. Even if you are an amoral player, you can not have this without a lot of work or guilt. When you are married no problem, no guilt, just marry someone who you think is super cordial and does not hassle you.
  • God wants you to be married – Sure when you are done with you life God will ask what did you do with the gifts that were lent to you? Do you want to say, I selfishly stayed single.
  • It is rewarding to have a wife – Being married is th highest level. No comparison to being single. This is why like 96% of the people eventually marry and even people who divorce get remarried. I do not care if you are a famous actress or something, no one wants to be alone. Most people do not start making real money until they are married by the way, so do not believe this focus on your career mantra.
  • Single people are neurotic – Yes this is basically true. I was, and I think I was pretty normal and together, but when you have a family you are not obessing about your problems. Mating is one of the most instinctive things living beings do, and if you are not doing it you, you start obsessing about it or something else.

Do not believe this new wave thinking abut happy and single. It is not true. Being single is lonely.

Dating in America

One of my friends in Boston Jerzy is single. He has dated countless women, but never found the one. I think it is because he has only dated American women. He is a tall good looking guy with a great job, a house and travels. He just dated American women that treated him bad. Here are some examples of nutcases he dated.

Funny examples of American girls he date online and offline

  • Marry a millionare dating -He dated some girl that would not give him a second date until he revealed his net worth to her.
  • Dating a boss – He dated another girl from match.com who was a dragon. She was an American business women named Michelle in her 30s who was a VP of a large company in the marketing department. Even though he made six figures it was not enough for this VP girl. She did not say it right out but this was what it was. Years latter he looked her up and she is her mid 40s and she never got married and had children. In fact like 8 years latter he noted she was still on match.com. This girl was a serial Ms. Match.com dater as well as a dragon, looking for someone to control as she like to be the boss.
  • Online mismatch – With online dating he meet a girl that was a doctor, she made some comment that she would only marry another doctor as no one else can understand the importance of her job.
  • The flakey date -He tried match.com again and while he was waiting at Starbucks to meet her, he saw a women in the back of a cab look at him and then wave the cab driver to drive on.
  • The spoiled American girl – He was dating a girl who was a professor at Harvard. He thought this girl must be reasonable as to achieve this position in life she must have worked hard. The one was so pampered, she would take a cab to go a few blocks down to the corner store, in fact everywhere. The subway or walking was not an option.
  • Therapy for couples – Another girl on the third date suggested they go to couples therapy.
  • Speed dating – He actually considered 8 minute dating, which is another story.

Basically he has scores of stories of his dating misadventures. Most of the women if they did not like him would not ever give him a s The bottom line is he is lonely. He comes home every night to an empty house. He orders some Chinese food, watches the discovery channel, reads. On the weekend he goes hiking and has some day trips and on the weekend his boss does not call him in. Most days his life is OK but many nights he is painfully lonely and does not feel his sense  in life.

Being single is fine in your twenties

In your 20s it is cool to be a slave to the company and have pet cats and go out with your girlfriends. It is not cool in your 30s. If you are in your 30s you start to see the morality of your life and feel you are missing the boat, your limited window of opportunity.

In your 40s you start to see what a joke careerism is,especially in corporate America. It is cool to be single in your 20s but it gets old fast and most of my friends become painfully lonely who are single. It hurts more than anything and the pain is real. It is like a real physical pain. Especially at night you feel the pain of being single. This is nature pushing you to take action.

The solution to being painfully lonely and single

Understand the world is not America. Understand you do not have to limit yourself. I have meet countless men and women that find their other half when they realizes that all of creation, not just the USA, is where you will find your spouse. Look abroad. Marry a foreign lady friend or groom.

Play to win in life and do not settle. Expanding your search abroad will exponentially increase your chance of finding your wife or husband. The day you meet your mate is the day you will stop being single and lonely.

Should I get a Prenup?

Prenuptial agreements

I highly recommend you do not get involved in a prenuptial agreement before you get married for the following reasons. I think these pre-marriage contracts are a bad idea because:

  • Love is all or nothing – Either you love someone or not. Love is similar to trust and faith. If you do not trust someone 100% or put conditions on marriage than why get married? It is better to just have a partner and date and not swear before God and the community that you will cherish each other all the days of your lives.
  • Divorce lawyers are greedy – Oh I am sorry they are calling themselves “marital attorneys” now. They have a huge incentive to create a culture of distrust and ‘just in case’. They talk about legal rights and dividing assets and family law. Do not believe it, you are building a house on sand. What good is it if a man gains the world but loses his soul?
  • Is money your god? – I do not care if my wife takes all my money. In fact, I would rather put it in her name as money is not my god. People put a too high premium on material wealth. I live in Eastern Europe many people survive on very little here.  In the past people had nothing.  I believe  protecting assets in case of divorce is putting trust in things of this world.  I believe in the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob who is the same for the Jews, Christians and Muslims. I believe  prenuptial agreements are a vote of mistrust of the unconditional love of your partner and trust in money. I trust her 100%.  Further, if I am as smart as I have confidence in myself and know I can always make money. What are you afraid of, someone will take all your toys away?
  • You are not 18 years old getting married – Every person has a complex life situation. Few people meet their life marital partner at the age of 14 and get married at 18 like my mother and is married for 60 years. Do not fall for the scare tactics that play on your fears of lawyers. Everyone has debt or children or previous marriages or emotional problems with trust or broken ideals and dreams or never had a real relationship or well into their careers. This is called being human. Like Shakespeare wrote ‘take up arms against your sea of troubles’. Be strong in the face of adversity and do not take council of your fears.
  • Prenups creates bad feelings – If my fiancé or partners asked for one I would not get married. No matter what I felt or how deep in love, it would always mean my love and relationship is not real. It is fake, nothing more than a business agreement.

Personal view on signing a prenuptial agreement

If you are a man and your future wife wants a premarital contract to protect her assets – Check out some of the women on my website. They are beautiful. The world is full of opportunity.

If your future wife asks for a prenuptial agreement – just smile and tell her the world is full of opportunities and say the marriage is off.

If you open your eyes you will be amazed. There are smoking cordial slim 10 years younger plus long-legged loyal girls everywhere (fewer in the USA). Do not settle. If you settle for anything but your dream I can not help you.

If your a man and considering a prenup –  Be the champion of your girl.

Be a champion for your wife and show her you will fight for her in marriage in good times and bad.

With your strength and wisdom show her your courage. Make her your princess and do not think of anything a base as assets and money and divorce lawyers, excuse me I mean marital legal counsellors.

Before you get married you need to:

  • Know yourself  and view of marriage – if you do not know where your sense of values and the meaning of your life comes from, find out.
  • Know your partner’s view on marriage – Ask your partner directly about their values. Ask them clearly and straight on. Ask them what if scenarios.  I can not believe that people are not direct and compassionate with their partners and do not have long conversations about values before marriage. Maybe people feel funny about it, but do not.  Romantic love brings people together that should never be brought together. So ask the questions and the what ifs. Smoke them out in the dating phase. Let the wisdom of time help you. I do not care what your age do not feel rushed in having your wedding.

What if you want to marry a foreign lady friend? Take your time to get to know her. The acorn does not fall too far from the tree. Observe her family and her commentary on the relationships in her family.  Her commentary on her parents and other relationships in this world will tell you everything.  What if her parents are divorced? So what.  She might say the greatest way I can honor my mother and father is not live like them and not get divorced. She might be religious but does she go to service once or more times a week? How does she feel about money? Does she believe in love and money or just love, or maybe just money. Does she show an interest to stay in her country or get excited when you mention moving to the USA or the UK?  I stayed in Poland after I go married. In fact my wife does not want a US citizenship. Ask her questions about what if this happens in marriage or that happens.

Besides one partner no wanting to have children, there is basically no reason to get divorced. In that case the marriage is not valid and it can be annulled.  Some people say the only reason to get married is to have kids. Other than that you can just date and enjoy your life. I do not agree. But understand that marriage is forever, not for as long as the love shall last.

I am a man of the world. I am not bragging but I think that few people could say I have not had my share of life experiences. Not just traveling the world but in business and other things.  I am not 17, I am 47.  I still believe in love and marriage like I always did. If anyone chooses to differ with me on the idea of should you get a prenup I am very open. Let me know.  I believe in love and marriage without limits, conditions and prenuptial agreements.

How to make your wife happy

If you understand a few basic things you can have a happy marriage.  There are three important points you need to understand if you want to know how to make your wife happy. And if you are married, you should want to make your wife happy.

Make your wife happy

  • Choose the right wife for marriage – Romantic love brings people together that never should be brought together. If you do not get this one right nothing will save you. You need to find your other half. The characteristic will be different for everyone.  It is about finding the one for you. However, generally I recommend a submissive wife. I know the idea of a wife being submissive is unbelievable for American and Canadian women, but I am writing about determinant criteria for a happy marriage not trying to score points with anyone.  I am writing the way I see it.  A wife who is  a materialistic is a woman you will not be able to make her happy in the long run. Make the right choice in marriage, someone who puts the ‘we’ or ‘you’ before the ‘I’. Someone who wants to make their husband happy. My wife clearly says she hopes she makes me happy. Make sure during the dating phase the girl understand that love is without limits and selfishness or materialism has no room in a loving relationship. Marriage is about total surrender.
  • To make your wife happy be a flirt. – You need to win your wife’s heart everyday.  Be charming and a flirt with her (no one else, do not even look at other women). Smile and look into her eyes and tell her with sincerity she is the one. Be light and breezy and easy going. Dress nice and stay in shape and be the good looking charming flirt that you are.  Basically think of the ideal as represented in the movie First 50 dates. This is a love story about a girl with no long term memory so her husband had to make her fall in love everyday a new. You have to behave like it is the first date every day. You have to get her to “yes” and “I do” by the end of the day.  Often times I will even ask my wife at the end of the evening did I win your heart today?
  • Make her feel safe in your relationship – This is about spending time with her to build trust.  That is the way you make a girl feel safe. But also maybe take care of her.  I am not a materialist and would have no problem being Mr. Mom. But on the other hand, I bring home the bacon in my relationship. I earn the money and even though my wife does a disproportionate amount of the domestic work, she is OK with it as I take care of everything. I am the leader and make the decisions.  She can trust me 100% and can focus on just being herself.  If a women does not feel emotionally safe or safe in other ways, she will be very good at handling things, but it will get tiring after a while. This will lead to marital unhappiness. Therefore, I recommend a traditional marriage. One where the man spends all or most of his free time with his wife and family. The one where the husband makes the money and the wife takes care of the nest house.  Going out with the guys and watching sports all the time is not my idea of making a woman feel good.  I am with my family 24/7.  I am not saying you have to do this but, in your own way, make her relax about her life and forget all her fears. If she is an emotional roller coaster, just be easy loving and say your sorry with sincerity. Love is about making the other person feel good about themselves and never about being right.

There you have it. These are 3 simple rules to be happy in marriage and make your wife happy. If you can choose the right one, be a flirt and make her feel safe, you will be very happy in your relationship.

How I got an EU citizenship

If you have read my blog you know I am a dual US and EU citizen. EU citizenship has many benefits believe me. The purpose of this post is to briefly tell you how to have a passport from more than one country, or at least my personal experience on how I achieved this.

First  off EU citizenship from any country is a privilege.  It is not something that is to be taken lightly. It is only for those who have a sincere interest in contributing to the nation they are living and working in. Usually this is reserved for people who have a historical connection or association with the country. My family for example live in Poland since the beginning of the nation. The only reason they left was Poland was partitioned and war was breaking out. After the war they wanted to come back for re-nationalization. However, the politics were too difficult, and so it was I who was repatriated.

I have written a post on how to get a EU citizenship, this is a good starting point. However, beyond that if you have any questions please ask. The following was my story.

10 Steps to EU citizenship

  1. Family tree – My first step was  in Excel create a detailed family tree. Use birth, marriage etc dates and locations. Be detailed but readable. Mine was on one page. It does not have to be a work of art, but it does have to be factual and clear to an ordinary person.
  2. Original documents – Try to collect as much information as you can from original documents. You can get US birth certificates etc no problem. They even have on the form a question why you need it, you can check off dual citizenship. US municipalities get these requests often.  Get your parents and anyone else you can also. Collect all US documents then focus on foreign documents. The Polish government in Warsaw had my grandparents records from 1900 even thought they were from and area which is today Ukraine. I went to the local church priest and found documents. I basically built a case of original documents that supported my family tree. Paper is everything. Before I live in Europe I paid someone, he tried to rip me off I got my money back, when I threatened to sue the middle man. There are many honest people that can help in local countries. I prefer to do things myself.
  3. I got applications from the embassy –  I let the foriegn consulate represntive guide me, as well as talked to the people who worked there to the right government offices to go to. They will tell you what you need.
  4. Legal help – I considered a lawyer but by the time I talked to one I knew more than they did.
  5. EU visa – My first step was a visa. From there I was in the system. I got this based on the right of blood. Jus sanguinis – You are who you are.
  6. Dual citizenship – Unless you want a Ukrainian citizenship, you can keep your US citizenship for almost any country in Europe in the European Union or not. Countries do no care if you are a dual citizenship as long as you obey the laws of the country your in. You are a citizen of that country only, where you are and can not go crying to the USA for help if you get into legal trouble.
  7. Buying a citizenship – You can basically buy a Russian citizenship legally if you have the cash to set up a business, but it is not the way to go. A CIS citizenship is not as good as a EU citizenship. Buying an EU citizenship is not possible.
  8. Getting official translations – Putting your doucments into the language you need is a moot point, there are a lot of official translators.
  9. The citizenship application – When you apply, write from your heart, you have to personally write a strong case of why you want to be a citizen.  It can not be for frivolous reasons, like it is cool.  Write how you have a historical connection that goes way back. Write what is true and honest. That you have an interest in the culture and the language and the people. If possible you would like to add to the society someday. Be sincere and into the country you are trying to get a citizenship for.
  10. The EU government – Be patient. It may take years but is worth the wait. Remember every coutry in this Union is an individual country and where you apply is important not the Union as a whole. Your passport will come from one of the member countries.

You can read more about the European Union citizenship on their home page.  Or better yet as a question to a real person, me. If you have any questions regarding citizenship or even questions like citizenship of babies born in a foreign country,  or marriage and citizenship questions, please ask.  I am not an expert but I can tell you based on my personal experiences.

Is it OK to look at other women?

I noticed a while back match.com had a slogan “it’s OK to look”. The question is if you are married is it OK to look at girls on the Internet or women on the street?  Or wives to look at cute guys. Even just for fun and it does not mean anything?  My answer is clear. But let me convey some real life examples. These example will better answer this question.

Is it OK to look example 1

When I was in Boston and single there was a cute yoga instructor. I never seriously considered dating her but we were on a cordial basis. One day I saw her in the trolley and instead of her normal smile and greeting she turned away. I was like, ‘what was that all about?’ I latter learned she got engaged. It dawned on me, she saw me as a male not just as a student. I was very impressed.

I mean often in American culture we have this attitude that it’s OK to look at a woman or a guy as long as it does not mean anything. But here was someone who did not even show me a glance or smile because of the dynamics of the situation. My respect for her increase significantly as she was someone who lived by a moral code.

Women often have hen parties where they go out drinking and doing crude things to strange men and hopelessly look to their lady friendsmaid for the nod of approval to see if it is OK while one the dance floor grinding some guy. Guaranteed this American girl did not. I respect her.

It’s OK to look example 2

I live in Krakow, Poland and I noticed that there were a lot of Jewish guys walking around this beautiful old town with their heads looking at the ground. I was again, ‘what is this all about?’ – Latter I was reading the book A day of pleasure by Isaac Bashevis Singer and read about a married man who would not look at a strange woman directly even if it was about business as he was married and it would be wrong to do so.

I was very impressed. Then I made the connection, this is why the men in Kazimierz, the Old Jewish district of Krakow were not looking arround, so their eyes would not accidently catch a glimpse of another woman and feel lust.

It’s not OK to look makes sense if you are married and promise your life to someone before God. You should think about them not someone else, or why get married? Do not get married unless you really mean it and you are hopelessly in love.

It’s OK to look example 3

I am married and before I was married I dated other women.  I often wondered what would happen when I got married to my desire to fantasizes and check out girls on the street etc. It worried me as I was someone who had ideals but in practice was less then perfect. Well then I meet my wife. When I first saw her I thought this girl was so attractive she would not ever speak to me. This is how you should feel about your spouse.

Love is both primitive and spiritual.

I found someone who was my fantasy and dream come true. She was from my dreams and the unspoken prayers of my heart. We have been together for years and I think about her this way and more than the day I meet her. I can not even conjure up other women in my mind even if I wanted to. Why would I want to, she is the one for me. It is not out of moral highness I do not do this, but because I love her.

However, if I would surf for bad hots or look at other women it would be wrong.

I did not have a bachelors party, what would be the point. We all went out with our friends together.

Women and it’s OK to look

I have ask women about this and they say as long as their guy does not do anything it’s OK to look. I think this is a lame relationship.  And what does he think about in bed with you?  They do not like it but accept it. Maybe they have to hear the truth. It is not OK to look. I am sorry I think it is hopeless if you are with your partner and scoping ladys. On the other hand she should not be flirting/ smiling with guys and talking to her friends about some cute UPS man (I use to work for UPS and yes women flirt and smile).

Disloyalty comes from the heart, then the mind in the imagination. Imagination is where the divine resides. Be careful what you imagine as this is your connection to the divine.

If you are in the habit of doing this, it is OK, maybe because you never heard this point of view. Going forward consider what I said and maybe if you start breaking the habit of your devious ways you might start experiencing a richer life.

The next time you hear someone say Oh, It’s OK too look at other women or smile flirtatious at other men, ask them why?

Real Estate Poland

Living in Poland I have seen a lot of changes. The one thing that strikes me the most is the real estate market in Poland. I am not in the business of real estate, rather I have a Master’s degree in Economics and passively observe market changes. After about four years of watching the pull back from its bubble I think it is still not ready to do anything but continue its downward path. I am very pro Poland, but being realistic about the economic situation in the land and housing market.

Why Polish real estate is not ready to recover

It is all about supply and demand. This is what determines prices and nothing else. Cost and value are notions that are through back from Marx’s economic theory that the price of an object was determined by the labor or cost to make it. Modern economic theory says value is subjective and determined only by supply and demand. This applies to housing prices also.

  • EU is not only in crisis but the Euro might fall apart, and leave the EU in shell shock for a few years, maybe ten. Countries that were throwing money into the Polish land rush are now fighting to save their own houses and collapse. Ireland, Scotland and England were the main speculators and now their lands are in trouble.
  • Supply of housing has increase in Poland based on speculation that there is a huge over capacity of residential and commercial units. Because of the economics of the business cycle plans that were started years back are being completed now and the result is a huge over capacity. Empty lots and luxury appartements can not even be rent. Why would they be?
  • Demand is continuing a down. I see large buildings that are brand new, falling apart a little as they have been empty for years. My friends are building new houses themselves in the suburbs rather than living in over priced city flats. Credit has not and will not ease any further. The population is not growing. Unemployment is about 13% which is not the best for a high prices.

Polish house with red roof

When I get the cash I will most likely build a house in the countryside, cheap. A house designed to my specifications and liking not some builders conceptions (to maximize profits) of a boxy house with small windows and a over sized red rood. I will build my dream home, eco friendly and in American style home. I want Polish people to do the same, that is have their dream home in their idea not someone builders idea and they pay it off with a mortgage for 30 years of hard work. Its very unfair to the people that live here.

I will build some American style house in Poland if I am lucky

Is this all bad? Not at all I am a patriot. I love Poland. However, prices are adjusting to normal levels from inflated highs based on foreign speculation. A unit in a city should be about 2000 Polish złoty a meter, but it is still about 5,500 pln a meter. The average person can not afford real housing because the Polish real estate agents and developers are trying to keep the prices inflated at all costs.

My brother in law build a home in the Polish countryside for under 1000 pln a meter. Its beautiful and not far from Krakow, where he works. Granted he did a few things himself but mostly local guys did it for him. A full house done by a builder now is about 2000 pln a meter.

How long will the prices of land and buildings in Poland stay inflated

Price will stay excessively high until they come down to 1/3 the level they are at now. So if a unit costs 6,000 a meter it will have to come to 2,000 a meter. I have seen the same situation in the USA. Prices in Florida and California are cheaper than Poland. These are luxury condos on the beach. I have seen bear markets last 10 or 15 years or never recover. People are fooling themselves if they think they can just wait it out. Take a look around you in Europe what is happening. It might take years if ever.

The good news is only the builders and Polish real estate agents lose. The Polish people will get reasonably price real estate again.

languages and love

What inspired you to get up this morning? What makes you tick during the day?  Well, hmm, even though this is a language learning site,  it is still my personal blog. The purpose of this post is to share with you some of my ‘other’ interests.

You can see what some of my other strange somewhat eccentric interests are.  Most are about languages and love.

I know business professionals would cringe that I have mixed business and pleasure but I prefer to keep it real. I like real and sincere not commercial. I like unpretentious.

I have a few blogs on this site about  my other interests. Claritaslux its more a site based on my personal experiences in life rather than some commercial site; even though I am writing innovate and professional language learning programs.

Some of my posts have created rather heated debates.  Most are connected with language learning and a few are about crazy things like beauty and love and citizenship and me being an expat.

Interesting posts about languages and love

Does true love exist – Well does it? Find out.

Hardest language to learn – This has almost 500 comments and is one of my personal favorite posts about languages, it is short and to the point but the best is to read other people’s input as to the most difficult language to learn.

EU citizenship – How to get an EU citizenship, how I did it and maybe you can too.

Amish language – The Amish sure have an interesting language, read all about it.

EU driver’s license – Living in the EU like I do is great (I get to practice my languages), however, if I want to get to point A to B I might need something else. I might need an EU driver’s license.  Find out what the requirements are and if you need one and how to get one.

Best country to start a business – Where is the best place to start a business? If you said the US or Canada think again. Do not just read something in the economist magazine or something that some accounting firm like PWC write, take from someone who is in the trenches.

What is attractive on a girl – This part of my site is more for fun, yet the debates arround this whole section are perhaps the most intense.  I started this part of my site because I am truly happy in love and marriage and wanted to share some insights, but it has taken on a life of its own.

Love phrases – If you want to know how to say I love you in French or Spanish or Italian, the this is the page to go to. I created a resource for love phrases in several languages.

I love you in Polish – My wife actually wrote this, she is Polish and it is pretty good for a none native speaker of English. In fact she never studied English, rather she just fell in love with me. Maybe this is the best way to learn a language.

How I learned a language –  This is a great personal account of how one person learn a language from ground zero to fluency.  The introduction I wrote is a little language but parts 2, 3 and 4 are worth reading if you have an interest in languages and how to really achieve your linguistic dream.

Slavic languages – My world is East of the Oder river. If you are curious about the Slavic world and its languages this is a must read.

This site has many tentacles. I hope that you will not only check out the individual posts, but also the related posts at the bottom of each posts, as there are many sections on this site that are valuable and are under appreciated.

Which posts have you found interesting?

Living in Europe

Why I live in Europe

Many people ask me why I live in Europe?  Why do you live where you do? If it is because you were born in your country, wrong answer.

When you are 96 years old are you going to look back on your life and say you wish you had more adventures? I live in Krakow, Poland but was born in the US. I am not saying everything everyday is wonderful and super terrific, however, it is beautiful. Life in American is easy, life in Eastern Europe is beautiful. What do you want an easy life or a beautiful life?

I think if you ever get the chance to live abroad do it. I live in Europe because living in Europe in general I can experience so many things that I can not in the United States.

Day in the life of some expats in Europe

First here are some hots of what I did today living in Europe (sorry I left my good camera at home, maybe next time). I guarentee on a Tuesday afternoon in the USA you were not doing the same.

Life in Europe is beautiful

I know there are Middle Age fairs in the USA and reenactors etc. I know the USA has history, but Poland and espcially Krakow where I live has so much history, almost everyday I step out my door and there is something new. If you not in Krakow you feel like your missing something.

This is what it is like to life in Europe. What are you doing today?

Further in the USA everyone, myself included is so programmed to be a career warrior that smelling the roses means taking your laptop to Starbucks from time to time. No way. This is not my idea of living my life. people in Poland and in Europe in general take time to smell real roses and gather a few rose buds while they are at it.  Perhaps it will change but Europe is an interesting place to live.

Life is fun living abroad

I think the split in European and American thinking came from the enlightenment. America took the pragmatic approach while Europe the Romantic lifestyle.

Sometimes you have to fight to survive as an Expat living in Eastern Europe

I am American and like all of us we for formatted like a hard disk to succeed and win, especially in business or on our Resume.  In Europe it is quite OK to be poor.  However, it is not OK if you do not take your two months of vacation in the summer.

Live a life of adventure

Life here also has a mystical side.

Life is a mysterious and beautiful when you are living the life you want

I hope you enjoyed some of these hots I took of the Medieval fair in Krakow I went to yesterday.

If you think living in Europe is about going to the pub and sitting in cafes you are wrong. If you think your life is about working for your resume , career or for your company you are lost. Companies will change you one way. Living in Europe will change you in another way. If you can ever pull yourself away from the Matrix and live as an abroad as an expat do it.  Sometimes my days are harder than in the USA. But other days like when I stepped outside my door and spent the afternoon walking through living history, life is beautiful.  The choice is yours. You can take the blue pill or the red pill. What choice are you making  in your life?

Colors for women – what is most attractive

I am a guy and I do not care what some woman’s magazine says is the most attractive color on a girl.  I do not know even how to match hair color, skin tone with clothing colors. However, I can tell you one thing. What colors for women are the most attractive. I would say this is pretty universal so it applies if you are a blonde, red head or brunette. Why do I know? I am a guy.

I have read countless articles on the web about color and attraction. Most of these articles are recycled from Cosmopolitan magazine etc.  Most of them are pure nonsense and they are written to take up space or from a girl’s view-point when looking at girls.  Do you want to attract girls? Nope. If you want to know that guys like in terms of clothing color here it is.

Most flattering colors for women

If you disagree or do not think one color fits all think again. One palette works magic in terms of beauty and is universal in terms of matching hair and skin.

  • Red – the most attractive color for accent. Red lipstick and red shoes. Do not over do it and wear a red dress. I even question the use of a red purse. If you use red lipstick for men it goes right to the source. The best is a strong red.  It goes right into their brain’s and spells attraction. Similarly red shoes, even if you are wearing jeans you will get noticed.
  • Black – no surprises here, look at the models, they mostly wear black. It makes you look thin and attractive to any many.
  • Transparent – yes girls that know who to wear semi transparent tops will get attention and you can wear a blue bra underneath for example.
  • Earth tones this is the best color for love and attraction for women.  I am sorry with American girls that dress up everything is a bit too flashy for my taste. I remember when yellow was in a couple of years ago, ugh. Some girls wear purple pants because they read etherically it is optimal for arousing the brain of a male.  Wrong all wrong. The best colors on women are these subtle earth tones. They work like a spell. They work better than a redhead with purple lipstick. Why? They invite guys to look at you and keep looking.  Flashy striking colors give that wow for a moment, but then wear off.  Or they have the adverse effect of gaining the man approach you like a bull. Not the desired effect. However, earth tones are programmed into a man’s brain to bring peace and happiness because man evolved in the forest. This is his natural biological programming. Earth colors are attractive  colors for women and bring men to you.

Think about guys and video games. They get stimulated by all the color for a moment, but the reality is they do not want to stay there. And if they did, is that the guy you want to attract? Think about birds, the female bird used subtle or no color to attract the more flamboyant male.

Where I learned earth tones are the best color for women

I am an American living in Eastern Europe. In Eastern Europe women are really into earth colors and shades. I do not know why. Maybe it is connected with the weather, the sky being so gray or the forests and fields being so very green.  However, the effect is this. Without the flashy ‘look at me’ styles and tones of the West, a Polish girl in jeans and some earthy colored tops attract more guys than any American girl.

Why earth colors are for girls who want love

A women who attracts men with colors and clothes with earth tones convey a message. She will get guys to take her more serious as her colors are more serious. She is not eye candy, but rather someone who a guy wants to look at and get to know. This princess is a diamond in the rough because the prospective male suitor took some time to hunt for notice her.  This is all rooted in the deep-seated psychology connected the limbic part of the brain and emotions. She made him work to find her.