Why I live in Europe
Many people ask me why I live in Europe? Why do you live where you do? If it is because you were born in your country, wrong answer.
When you are 96 years old are you going to look back on your life and say you wish you had more adventures? I live in Krakow, Poland but was born in the US. I am not saying everything everyday is wonderful and super terrific, however, it is beautiful. Life in American is easy, life in Eastern Europe is beautiful. What do you want an easy life or a beautiful life?
I think if you ever get the chance to live abroad do it. I live in Europe because living in Europe in general I can experience so many things that I can not in the United States.
First here are some hots of what I did today living in Europe (sorry I left my good camera at home, maybe next time). I guarentee on a Tuesday afternoon in the USA you were not doing the same.
I know there are Middle Age fairs in the USA and reenactors etc. I know the USA has history, but Poland and espcially Krakow where I live has so much history, almost everyday I step out my door and there is something new. If you not in Krakow you feel like your missing something.
Further in the USA everyone, myself included is so programmed to be a career warrior that smelling the roses means taking your laptop to Starbucks from time to time. No way. This is not my idea of living my life. people in Poland and in Europe in general take time to smell real roses and gather a few rose buds while they are at it. Perhaps it will change but Europe is an interesting place to live.
I think the split in European and American thinking came from the enlightenment. America took the pragmatic approach while Europe the Romantic lifestyle.
I am American and like all of us we for formatted like a hard disk to succeed and win, especially in business or on our Resume. In Europe it is quite OK to be poor. However, it is not OK if you do not take your two months of vacation in the summer.
Life here also has a mystical side.
I hope you enjoyed some of these hots I took of the Medieval fair in Krakow I went to yesterday.
If you think living in Europe is about going to the pub and sitting in cafes you are wrong. If you think your life is about working for your resume , career or for your company you are lost. Companies will change you one way. Living in Europe will change you in another way. If you can ever pull yourself away from the Matrix and live as an abroad as an expat do it. Sometimes my days are harder than in the USA. But other days like when I stepped outside my door and spent the afternoon walking through living history, life is beautiful. The choice is yours. You can take the blue pill or the red pill. What choice are you making in your life?
I loved your article. I would love someday to go live in Ukraine, the country and culture of my grandparents who came to Canada at the beginning of the 2oth century. Wow! Was it that long ago? Anyway, leaving aside my leftist/socialist politics, I think it would be the experience of a lifetime. I agree completely with what you say about getting old and suddenly realizing you haven’t done the things you really wanted to do. As far as European life is concerned, I used to drive for a major worldwide luxury limo-sedan service and I’d get the hurry, hurry types (fly in, give investment pitch, fly out to the next city) and they’d complain about trying to do business in Europe. In places like Italy, the Americans would want lunch sent in for a working lunch and Italians wouldn’t have it. They would have to go out to 3 hour lunch, complete with wine, and relax, and talk. And talk some more. It drove the Americans nuts! Gotta love it.
God bless you and love your life.
Rick Zajac
Taylor, Michigan
Thanks for the comments, I love living in Europe for some of the reasons mentioned above.
Hi Mark…after going through months of obtaining visas ,papers for marriage etc. i finally arrived in Ruda Slaska 8 days ago. The problem is my fiancee decided to end our relationship for no reason known to me. I am in shock but have decided to rent a flat in The old Jewish Quarter in Krakow until mid Jan. I will be there Saturday so it would be nice to meet another American. Beer is on me if you are available.I will be staying on Paulinska st near the Vistula. My email is …. Would be nice to meet you.If you know of any art supply stors please let me know.I am an artist and look forward to painting Krakow..thanks Ted
Sorry to hear about the relationship, really. But nice to hear you are in Krakow. There are many American here. I am not getting out much as I some family work things that are important now, but please feel free to write me about any questions. Art supply there are many many, in the center, really all over.
Also there are so many beautiful Polish girls here you can meet another maybe 🙂
Kind regards,
Many people in Poland must work 10-12 hours a day just to earn some money above the minimum wage, because their basic wage is so low that lacks for living. Moreover, I don’t know anyone who takes a 2-month holiday except the school teachers. About 30% of Polish workers have temporary contracts or semi-legal freelance agreements (umowa zlecenie, umowa o dzieło) that don’t allow any right to holiday or even a sick leave (of course employers do it to omit the duties related to real employment contracts).
I want to live in Europe, I am from the United States. I have joined an au pair website and have found a wonderful family in Italy. They want me for at least a year. I am working on my Visa now, or at least trying to call about it. I am really nervous about not being granted a visa. I read somewhere that I have to apply as an au pair before my 30th birthday, I turned 30 a few months ago. I have read all of the websites and everything seems to say something different. Can you please help me as I cannot speak to the Italian Consulate until a few days. I read somewhere that possibly the family could sponser me (which they are willing to do) and that would make it easier. This is my dream. Thank you.
I would try the visa with the office, or if that does not work talk to some language school and you can teach English as a native speaker. This is what most people do or you can enroll in one class of Italian and they maybe can work something out to get you a student visa. Also do you have European roots, you can get a visa that way. You have many options and where there is a will there is a way.
“In Europe it is quite OK to be poor. However, it is not OK if you do not take your two months of vacation in the summer.”
WTF hell are you saying? In Europe is not ok at all to be poor. Actually we emigrated and still do quite anywhere in the world to run away from poverty. Pols are amongst one of the most emigrant people.
And, PLEASE… tell me where the hell people take TWO MONTHS of vacation in the summer?!?!? Do they in Poland? Really? So lucky them. I am Italian, I live in Spain and I guarantee that in Italy they have 30 working days of vacation and in Spain we have 22 working days. But in many many cases we cannot enjoy the entire period. And Southern Europe workers work many more hours than our Northern colleagues.
So, or Poland is quite a Paradise on earth, or you are not very well informed.
Isotta, don’t be surprised because author knows nothing about Poland. Of course in Poland you have 20 working days of holidays (so in fact less then in Italy or Spain). Two months are only for children at school.