Love phrases in Ukrainian

Why I am an expert on Ukrainian love  – I am American but also Ukrainian, married a girl from Eastern Europe, and lived there for a decade.   I can tell you that Ukrainian women respond to love phrases and words of love in the Ukrainian language. Below is a list of love phrases in Ukrainian for her or him. You can text message on your mobile phone or speak to win a girl’s hand. If you have questions about Ukrainian culture or dating, ask in the comment area below.

Remember, the purpose of marriage is to help your spouse get to heaven.

Words, not money, win a Ukrainian heart – Yes, words are the way to win your Ukrainian princess for happily ever after.  This contrasts the hypermaterialism in the West, where jobs and possessions impress.

In particular, western Ukraine in the Lviv area has experienced a revival of the language, and Ukrainian has always been spoken over Russian. It is the official language of the country, even in Kiev Russian is being displaced again. Everywhere but Eastern Ukraine, which has a greater Russian influence. Learn to woe a girl with a few Ukrainian phrases and a good heart from the Black Sea to the Carpathian mountains.

Many people ask me if I should learn a few phrases and expressions in Russian or Ukrainian. I say Ukrainian unless she is from a specific region. If you have any questions, I am an expert on this part of the world and social relationships. At the bottom, you will see a navigation to my pages more specific to Ukrainian dating, but feel free to leave a comment here.

So please take out your mobile phones and text away or speak to them face to face. The transliteration will do if your keyboard or phone does not have Cyrillic fonts. Until you learn the Ukrainian alphabet (which is phonetic, hint hint), then transliteration is the best translation for you.

I love you

  • Я ВАС КОХАЮ – ja vas kohaju – I love you
  • Ya tebe kahayu – I love you
  • КОХАННЯ – kohannja – Lovey (said as a term of endearment to person)
  • Як сказати, що любиш –  Yak skazaty shho liubysh – How to say I love you
  • Ти подобаєшся мені все більше й більше –  Ty podobaeshsia meni vse bilshe i bilshe- I love you more and more.

Romantic expressions

  • Кохання – це двоє –  Kochania tse dwoje – Love is two person.
  • Моє серце бє тільки для Тебе! – Moye serce bye tilky dla Tebe! – My heart is for you!
  • Ти моє повітря – Ty moe povitria  – You are my air
    Я без Тебе вже не можу жити –  Ya bez tebe vzhe ne mozhu zhyty – I can’t live without you
  • Ти снилась мені цієї ночі – Ty snylas’ meni ciei nochi – I’ve been dreaming about you last night
  • Ти моє повітря – Ty moe povitria – You are my air
  • Я без Тебе вже не можу жити – Ya bez tebe vzhe ne mozhu zhyty – I cann’t live without you
  • Ти снилась мені цієї ночі – Ty snylas’ meni ciei nochi – I’ve been dreaming about you last night
  • Я думаю, ми зустрілися не випадково – Ya dumayu, my zustrilys’a ne vypadkovo – I think we haven’t met each other by chance
  • Справжня любов не знає міри і кордонів –  Sprawznia lubo ne znaye miry i kordoniv – True love doesn’t know any measures and borders
  • Закохатися з першого погляду – це ж скільки часу й коштів заощаджується! – Zakochatys’a z pershoho posladu-ce zh skil’ky chasu i koshtiv zaoshhadzhuets’a! – Fall in love from the first look-so many time is saved
  • Кохати -значить жити життям того, кого кохаєш – Kohaty-znachyt’ zhyty zhytt’am toho, koho kohaesh – Love means live life of those, whom you love
  • Не тримайте своє серце закритим! Кохайте і будьте коханими! – Ne trymajte svoe serce zakrytym! Kohaite i bud’te kohanymy! – Have yours hart open. Love and be loved
  • Як запросити на побачення – Yak zaprosyty na pobachennia –  Asking for a date.
  • Ти занята вечером? – Ty zanyata vecherom? – Are you busy this evening?
  • Я хочу побачитися з Тобою! – Ya hocu pobacytysya z Toboyu! – I want to met with you.
  • Ми побачимося знову? – My pobachymos’a znovu? – Will we meet ever again?
  • Сходимо разом в кіно? – Sxodymo razom v kino? – Do you want to go to the cinema with me?
  • А Ти любиш фільми про любов? – A Ty l’ubyshh fil’my pro ljubov? – Do you love films about love?
  • Ця квітка для Тебе –  Cya kvitka dla Tebe – This flower is for you
  • Tи просто чарівна! – Ty prosto charivna! –  You are simply beauty.
  • Ти така красива! – Ty taka krasyva! – You are so beautiful
  • Ти найкращий мужчина – Ty naykrashhyy muzhchyna -You are the best man.
  • Це був красивий вечір – Tse buv krasyvyy vecir – It was nice evening.
  • Нам необхідно буде його повторити – Nam neobxidno bude joho povtoryty – We could spend it once more time.
  • Весілля – Vesill’a – Wedding
  • Ми будемо разом? – My budemo razom? – Do you want to stay with me?
  • Я хочу провести з Тобою ціле моє життя – Ya xochu protesty z Toboju cile moje zhyttja – I want to spend with you all my life.
  • Поцілунок – Pocilunok – Kiss.
  • Я ХОЧУ З ВАМИ ОДРУЖИТЬСЯ – ja hochu z vamy odruzhyt’sja – I’d like to marry you
  • Ти подобаєшся мені все більше й більше – Ty podobaeshsia meni vse bilshe i bilshe – I love you more and more.
  • ВИ НАЙКРАЩА ЖІНКА У СВІТІ – vy najkrash’a zhinka u sviti – You’re the best woman in the world
  • ЦЕ НАЙКРАЩІЙ ДЕНЬ У МОЄМУ ЖИТТІ – tse najkrash’ij den’ u mojemu zhytti – It’s the best day in my life

Go here if you want to know ->  how to date Ukrainian girls 

Author: Mark Biernat

I live in with family between two worlds, US and Europe where I create tools for language learning. If you found my site you probability share my passion to be a life long learner. Please explore my site and comment.

17 thoughts on “Love phrases in Ukrainian”

  1. Dear Sir:

    I am American male. I just read this page and wish that I could have had it long time ago. You are so RIGHT when you say Ukrainian women respond to the words of love, or compliments on their beauty. I joined a site long ago, but it seems the women respond heavily to me when I well really just tell the truth. That is telling them how beautiful they are. I am sure there are bad apples everywhere, but the Ukrainian women seem to be so nice, mannerful, educated, and have such gorgeous smiles. I have made many friends, and it not about finding love with me, we actually have become good friends. They, as a group to me, are a very special type of women. I just love to write to them, chat with them, see them on their camera’s as we chat. They still smile and giggle just as much as I do, and they really enjoy the time you spend with them. I am amazed.

    I just hope that their country will get over this turmoil they are in. These people have something to show the world, give them a chance. I took a chance to correspond, I will never look back. Just very humble, graceful, beautiful individuals.

    I will be using the phrases you have on this paper, and I can hear them now, “wow Bill, you took the time to understand my language.:

    I wish that I could have gotten a hold of this earlier


  2. I joined a dating site for Ukrainian women and have chatted online with some very nice ladies. I plan to visit Odessa early in the Spring to meet one in person. I am crazy about her and she is very interested in me. I am 65, she is 46 and we both have kids. She lives near Odessa now and is originally from a small village in the Rivne region.
    What advice can you give me on how to make my in-person meeting and stay of 4-5 days with her successful? I fear that the language difference will be a big problem. We will use an interpreter for some but not all of the time together. I will try to learn some Ukrainian, I know just a very little Russian as I adopted a daughter there, and she knows very little English.
    Also, what gifts should I consider bringing to her on this visit? And should I bring gifts for her two sons? One is 7 and the other is 24.
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    1. Just be yourself and the best advice I can give you is learn the language the best you can. You can do this by drilling words rather than phases as phrases are too complex. You can bring gifts but you do not have to spend a lot of money more something creative and unique. If you know their sizes I would recommend some American clothes like from a name brand store here like Hollister. How can girls resist things like that?

  3. Hi, could you please tell me what some Ukrainian terms of endearment are? Google was telling me ‘dorohjy’ (in the Roman alphabet) but now it’s saying something else. An approximation of ‘darling’ would be great! And what that be the same term between lovers as between parents and children?

  4. Can you please tell me some traditional Ukraninan love songs? I want to learn one on the piano and impress someone..

  5. I am learning Ukrainian because my husband is part Ukrainian. He grew up not learning the language because when his grandparents moved here with his dad, they were told to learn English as soon as possible. They were also told to only speak to him in English so he would succeed in school and fit in with his new American community. My husband started learning when he was 13 in preparation for a mission trip. He later went to Bible school and met me. He tried to get me to learn Russian because he said it would be easier. I started to,but never finished. I did learn the alphabet. I later learned I love you and have been using it every day. That is one of the reasons I loved him. He would whisper I love you in Russian in my ear. I loved that. Now I am trying to learn more and help him get back in the habit of speaking again. He has forgotten so much as their is no one around who speaks the language here. I feel that this is my fault for not learning and using the language he desired to speak with me. I have used your phrases, but I need so much more to continue what I have started. I am so excited to be doing this. I really really love this man! He is everything to me.

  6. I am a Ukrainian girl and my boyfriend is Thai. He study Ukrainian by a book for four year children : exercise book, ABC etc. By today, his favorite words are:
    пупок-poopock- navel,
    баї-баї- bayi- bai- lullaby,
    пельмені- pelmeni – dumplings.
    I think this is funny, however, at least the words are innocent.

  7. Is the name “Leland” a term of endearment in Ukraine slang? (A woman addressed me as “my dear Leland”, and I thought maybe she was mistakenly calling me the name of another boyfriend.) This was her explanation.

    1. No, Leland means nothing in Ukrainian. The closest what comes to my mind – leleka, which means stork, it could be used as description of someone important for you (it is a very-very old endearment or description, nowadays people don’t use it, but you can find it in fairytales). Maybe it was more like – ljubov? It means love.

    2. Sorry, David.. “Leland” means nothing in Ukrainian, це справді так.
      It is true. This alien word (and name) for my Ukrainian language.

      “Leleka” – too, does not fit. “Mij dorogy`j Leleka” (my dear stork) – no one ever says it, referring to the men.

      > Maybe it was more like – Ljubov? (c)
      “Mij dorogy`j Lyubov” – also did not say never, this is nonsense.

  8. You are absolutely right about Ukrainian women. They are beautiful, fall head over heals for you when complimented about their beauty and their smile, and just about anything. I started writing letters to a woman in Kharkov and then it turned into a chatting, then phone calls then she said she wanted to meet. I asked where, she said in her country in the summer so she could take vacation from her work and spend time getting to know each other, I said 8 months away, no problem. Turns out three months into our planning, I received a phone call from her saying she could wait no longer that summer was too far away. So I told her I would see what I could do, low and behold, I managed to get a flight out with few layovers. My boss was very understanding and urged me to go so taking off work was no problem for me. Anyway, I landed in Kiev (mind you I never told her I was coming) had to stay the night in Kiev because my flight landed too late to catch the flight to Kharkov. The next morning I took the 1 hour flight from Kiev to Kharkov and I took a taxi to the Palace Hotel (which was the greatest place to stay) I checked in, got about 6 hours of sleep after a 19 hour flight from the U.S. I waited for her to get off work and logged onto the internet for our daily chat. She said how much she miss me and wanted to see me and so on so I couldn’t hold back any longer and said, “What are you doing right at this moment other than chatting with me?” She said she had no plans other than chatting with me. I then said. “Well how about you meet me at Palace and we go out and get some dinner?” She flipped out and within 30 minutes was at the hotel. It was awesome and we both have crossed the Atlantic at least 3 times a year. I have been learning Ukrainian (difficult but I am getting it with my friends help) I enjoy learning about her, her family and her country, I may pop the question to her this summer when we are together again.

  9. Thank you Mark for publishing this page and information it is great for learning how to win the heart of a one of the beautiful Ukrainian women. I have used them with a beautiful Ukrainian women and her response was so great. She kind of melted because she said that I was so thoughtful for using them with her.
    Our relationship started after I joined a dating site about a year and a half ago to find somebody to chat with. Well, I never found anybody there but a few weeks after I quit the site I was contacted by a woman from Ukraine and started exchanging emails thinking nothing serious would come of it. I also thought that she may be one of the those scammers that send you intimate hots and say they love you and want to meet. Then they drop the bomb and ask you to send them money. Well in the 18 months we have known each other she has never asked for money from me. About six months into the relationship I wanted to test and ask her about her morals in regards to sending hots of a scandalous nature. I am a Christian and do not believe in such things. Her response solidified any doubts about her being a scam artist. It was nine months into the relationship before she mentioned and signed her email with, ‘I love you Robert.’ That rocked my world. Now after 14 months I will be bringing her, her mother, father and sister to the United States and we will be married shortly after they arrive. Not only is she VERY beautiful, she has such compassion, understanding, thoughtfulness, patience and everything else you could ask for in a wife and life partner.
    Thank you Mark as your Love phrases in Ukrainian has helped me find the love of my life.

    1. I am happy you found the woman of your dreams. Coming from experience all the day I was single, was nothing compared to one day I spend with my wife now.

      1. I want to learn to speak Ukrainian so she and I can converse in Ukrainian when she gets here. Would you happen to know of a language program other than Rosetta stone that speaks the basic words of Ukrainian. I have been unsuccessful in finding one that just does the basic words and grammar. She is from Sneznoe (unsure of the district that’s in) and I don’t know what dialect they speak.
        Any suggestions?
        Best Regards

        1. I would recommend creating flashcards from 3X5 index cards you can get at the dollar store. Next make mnemonics from a word list, if you do not know what mnemonics are do some research, they help make your brain recall the words. Try to lean 1,000 words. Do not worry about the grammar, its too complex at this point, despite what native speakers will tell you. They do not know. You will be understood if you break the word up and try to focus on the basic words.

  10. Hi! May i Know what is the meaning of Ti maja zajka? I’m from philippines i dont know this words?
    this words is came, from my hubby!

    1. You are my ‘then this is some term of endearment I do not know’. If you have the Cyrillic than that would be best.

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