I have lived in Eastern Europe and traveled to Moscow, St. Petersburg, and the Russian countryside. As a person who is Slavic and lives in both America and Eastern Europe, I can honestly say I feel the people here are romantic. I am not just some guy putting phrases up; I live here and there. At the bottom of this page, I have navigation to my pages on how to win the heart of a Russian from an insider’s perspective. I highly recommend it; I am a total insider regarding Eastern Europe and love.
If you want a Russian lady friend, make her fall in love with you by your words. Most of these girls have had a classical education and respect eloquent speech. It could be in a text message, e-mail, or chat. It does not matter. If pentameter is your forte, you will be unstoppable. However, you do not have to such time to develop a silvery tongue, use my love quotes for her (or him) below.
Russian words of romantic love and phrases to win the heart of a Russian princess. I have compiled a list of Russian phrases and their pronunciation to help you win the heart of your true love. However, if you want to go the extra mile and do something sincere for your beloved, learn Russian. You can use these on your mobile phone for texting or a tete-a-tete. But either way, I am an expert on Slavic culture and dating, so ask questions.
If you want to know how to win the heart of a Russian for love, please try a few of these lines, they will achieve the desired affect on her (or him), that is surprise and scoring a few points.
Since the unproved and unjust invasion of Ukraine, I would recommend learning Ukrainian, not Russian, love phrases, as I do not want to be associated with anyone who does not support Ukraine. If they are Russian, ask them directly about their view on this invasion as a criterion for continuing the relationship. If they do not support Ukraine, walk away.
If they are Russian and clearly state they support Ukraine, then all is well, and proceed.
I love you in the Russian language
- Я тебя люблю – Ya tebyA lyublyU – I love you
- С любовью – S lyubOv’yu- With love
- Lubov’-eto to, shto nel’z’a pon’at holovoy, yeye nuzhno pochuvstvovat’ sercem. – Love that is what you cann’t understand, you should feel it in your heart.
- Но жизнь – это когда Любишь. – No zhyzn’- eto kohda lubish. -But life is when you love
- Если ты любишь меня так же, как говоришь, пожалуйста будь осторожен с моим сердцем. Ты можешь взять его, только не разбей, или мой мир распадется на кусочки! –
Esli ty lubish menia ta zhe, kak hovorish, pozhalusta bud’ ostorozhen c moim sercem. Ty mozhesh vzat’ evo, tolko ne razbey, ili moy mir raspadots’a na kusochki! – If you love me like you told me, please be careful with my heart. You can take it, just don’t break it, or my world will fall apart! - Вот моё сердце. Оно полно любви. – Vot moe serce. Ono polno lubvi. – Here is my heart. It is full of love.
- Ты мне нравищся. -Ty mne nravishs’a – I like you.
Terms of endearment and love
- Милая моя – MIlaya moyA – My sweet
- Солнышко моё – Solnyshko moyo -My sun
- Дорогая моя – DorogAya moyA -My dear
- Ты выйдешь за меня? – Ti viy-desh za me-nyA? – Will you marry me?
моя судьба – Tee ma-yA sud’-bA. -You are my destiny
- Ti takaya krasivaya – You are so attractive
- Ti takaya privlekatel’naya – You are so pretty
- Ti takaya prelesnaya – You are so cute
- Ti milaya – You are sweet
- Ti takaya chustvitel’naya – You are sensitive
- Ты такая красивая – Ti takAya krasIvaya – You are so beautiful
- Ты такая милая – Ti takAya mIlaya – You are so sweet
- У Тебя прелесные глаза. – U teb’a prelesnye hlaza. – Your eyes are beautiful.
- hello – hallo
- Zdravstvuyte – Good morning
Expressions of love
- Не запомний меня. – Ne zapomnyy obo mne. – Don’t forget about me.
- Любовь – это то, что нельзя понять головой, ее нужно почувствовать сердцем.
- В арифметике любви один плюс один равно все, а два минус один равно ничто. – V arifmetike lubi odia plus odia ravno vse, vse dva minus odia ravno nichto. –
In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everything, and two minus one equals nothing. - Женщина лишь тогда верит слову “люблю”, когда оно сказано тихо и просто. – Zhenshhina lish tohda verit’ slovu lublu, kohda ono skazano tiho i prosto. – Woman believs in word “love” only when it is said simply and quietly.
- Любовь – заболевание нежностью. – Lubov’ -zabolevanie nezhnost’u. – Love is illness of sensibility.
- Любовь – это наркотик. – Lubov eto narkotik. -Love is a drug.
- Женщина Любит. Мужчина учится Любить. – Zhenshhina l’ubit. Muzhchina uchits’a lubit’. – Woman loves. Man learns how to love..
Для тебя, ради тебя и за тебя жизнь моя! – Dla teb’a, radi teb’a i za teb’a zhyzn’ maya! -For you, because of you and to you is my life! - Пусть меня запрут в твоем сердце, а ключ выбросят. – Pust’ men’a zaprut v votem serce, a kluch wybros’at. – Let they close me in your hart and let they throug out the cay.
- Люблю, целую, обнимаю – В общем просто обожаю! – Lublu, celuyu, obozhayu. Vobshem prosto obozhayu. – I love, I kiss, I embrance. All in all I’m fascinated.
- Если б каждый раз, когда я думаю о тебе, падала бы звезда, то луна стала бы одинокой – Eslib kazhdiy raz koda ya dumayu o tebe padala by zvezda, to luna stalaby odinokoy. – If everytime I thought about you star falls down, moon would be lonely.
- Меня учили, что в часе 60 минут, что в минуте- 60 секунд. Но меня никто никогда не учил, что секунда без тебя- это вечность. – Men’a uchili shto v chase 60 minut, shto v minute 60 sekund. No men’a nikto nikohda ne uchil, shto sekunda bez teb’a eto vechnost’. -I learned that there is 60 minutes in an hour, that there is 60 seconds in a minute, but no one has tought me tha second without you is eternity.
- Весь мир не стоит и гроша eсли рядом НЕТ – ТЕБЯ! – Ves’ mir ne stoit ni grosha, yesli r’adom net teb’a. – The world doesn’t cost anything, when you aren’t near me.
- Красивым кажется всё, на что смотришь с любовью. – Krasivym kazhets’a vso na shto spotrish s lubov’u. – wonderful is everything you look at with love.
If you would have a passion for Russian women, here is a part of my site that might perk – our interest. It is a area that deals with dating a Russian girls for ideal love. It gives specific advice you can implement.
Here are my pages on exactly how to win a Russian girl.
Не запомний меня. – Ne zapomnyy obo mne. – Don’t forget about me.
There is no world such “запомний” in Russian. The right variant is:
Не забывай обо мне. — Ne zabivay obo mne. — Don’t forget about me
Didnt notice your comment before i had used the phrase:
Не запомний меня. – Ne zapomnyy obo mne. – Do not forget about me.
The woman I wrote to thought it was funny, but was very understandable.
Got the impression that what I wrote almost meant the opposite “forget about me” or “forget me”
I’m glad you commented on this phrase.
Столько много ошибок.
Zdravstvuyte – Good morning – ОШИБКА
Ne zapomnyy obo mne. – Do not forget about me. – ОШИБКА
глаза =hlaza – haha glaza