I generally do not recommend clubs and discos in Krakow, but here are a few I might go to if I wanted to meet girls in Krakow. I mean do you not think it is better to meet them in broad daylight when you can really see how beautiful they are?
Yes go to Krakow and meet women, but clubs are like anywhere else, hit or miss, with one exception, these females want to meet you, unlike the west. 🙂
Krakow warning: Avoid this club like the plague: VIP Club, ul. Mikołajska 4. they have been investigated for charging clients like 10,000 dollars if you use your credit card there. The Police and Krakow DA does nothing. Believe me there is still corruption in Krakow. Just do not go to these type of dance clubs they will rip you off. I personally would never ever pay by card in a Krakow club until the President of Krakow shuts scammer places like this down. Shame on Krakow to let meathead thugs rip tourists off.
Krakow bachelor parties – Krakow is a rich EU country not like in the 1990s, I would go to more far flug regions of the world, not Krakow because of places like the VIP club – and pay cash. Unless you are going for pub crawls and innocent stuff like that.
Now the warnings are out of the way, generally Krakow is the place in EE to meet girls. It is a safe, clean respectible city like London or Boston. You will be fine there.
25 Krakow Clubs I would go to – the list
- Klub Prozak -Placu Dominikanskim 6 – Tourist place right in the center by the Dominican monestary (best organization in the big K) – under ground Krakow club. This almost a cliche where foreign guys meet Polish girls.
- Frantic Music Club -ulicy Szewskiej – Place to dance on a Friday night.
- Alchemia Kawiarnia – the best, I love it, no dance floor no electricity and a lot of artistic student ladys – Estery 5 Anytime day or night, even Sunday morning there are people there.
- Klub Rdza -ulicy Brackiej 3-5
- Klub Coco -ulicy Szpitalnej 38
- Prominent club – And yet another lounge in Krakow with a cool website.
- Club hotel Atlantic – Fitness clubs with healthy nice girls who work out and meet people -Stradomska 15
- Bledne Kolo Art Club -Brackiej 4 – Cool place to hang out – has two parts a small dance floor and a large series of lounge type settings with artsy images on the wall. A lot of cordial ladys here.
- Klub Pauza -florianskiej 18.
- Carpe Diem II -ul. Slawkowskiej 6.
- Spolem Pub
- Ministerstwo – Popular
- Cien – small dance floor lots of tourists
- Goraczka- always lots of pretty girls there
- Respect – The only hiphop club, good music and girls
- In Blanco – Hit or miss
- Midgard – Your standard dance club in Krakow students meet tourists.
- Baccarat – Gothic looking, I like it.
- Lubu – Dubu
- Afera Ul. slawkowska 13
- Fantasy Park ul. Pokoju 44
- Taboo club- Witolda Budryka 4
- Klub Studio – Rynek Główny 6
- Klub Atmosfera – Plac Szczepański 7
- Harris Piano Jazz Bar- I like this one – right by the Police station, nice and safe and respectable but small has a statue of a man sitting in front with a hat- Rynek Główny 28
And a few Krakow Klubs I would skip:
- Diva- Its OK.
- Obsesja Dark and dirty, no girls.
- Kitsh – Not my style.
Let me know your experinces with Krakow, clubs- dance or lounge and meeting girls. I met my beautiful wife in Krakow, and would recommend it for nice student girls to fall in love with.
Also let me know if you are a forigner from the USA, UK or Ireland or Eygpt or India etc, and you would like to socialize n Krakow with females but have questions or I can help.
I am stuck, I would like to take a trip to Krakow and hopefully meet someone for special but I have been hearing a lot about Romanian women. Any advice would be great but I was leaning a little more toward Krakow.
I am partial to Krakow as I lived there so long and met my wife there. Krakow is a richer more progessive place so the girls are a little more Western and Bucharest is still economically developing. But really that does not matter, you have to ask yourself how important religion is. Both cities are religous, Bucharest Orthodox and Krakow Catholic.
Do you like Slavic or Romanian look? Do you like darker features (Romanian) or lighter (Polish, although my wife is dareker as there is a lot of Jewish influence I think in the Polish gene pool)?
Besides those minor points you could ask God or use your intuition where you think your other half is? Try to use visualiation and feel where you are being pointed.
I did, and ask God to guide me and it worked for me.
I will keep my options open, may end up spending 3 or 4 weeks at both. I do like the darker almost gothic look that the Romanian women have but also like that light skin and almost pure look that the polish women have. I have 2 more years and I will be shipping my Harley over to ride in Europe, Romania and Poland are on my list of places to ride, thanks for the info