Dual citizenship

I picked up my EU passport via a Polish dual citizenship yesterday. Even though myphotowas not super I am happy. I had citizenship just did not meet the passport.  I am also a US citizen.  Many people ask me about the question of dual citizenship.

Dual citizenship

Rules of Dual citizenship

The rules of dual citizenship are quite easy to understand. Most countries neither deny or recognizes dual citizenship.  However, if you are a dual citizen you must enter the country with the country’s passport you own.  Therefore, as an American I must enter the US on my USA passport and the EU on my EU passport.  Why?  Because, the passport you enter determines the rules you will follow.

US dual citizenship holders must enter on their US passport to the USA

If I enter the USA on my Polish passport, which I am not allowed to do anyway, I would be a Polish citizen in the USA. I must enter on my US passport and I am subject to the laws of the USA and can not go crying to Poland if I get in trouble.  Is this clear? You use your both your passports and must enter on the right passport, that is where you are a citizen.

Dual citizenship and taxes

What about taxes?  Very easy and clear,  as a USA dual citizen I am responsible for US taxes forever, not matter where I live or if I am a dual citizen.

The US government does not care. Yes this is true.  Just because you have dual nationality the US tax office does not care.  If you make 1 dollar in Siberia this must be reported along with all your bank accounts.  I report to the US government and Polish government  my pittance of teaching earrings I make in Poland teaching English. I must report all investments and bank accounts. However, most countries have treaties.  The US will allow about a 90k exclusion on foreign income earned.

Which is a lot of money at least for me, so most people reading this do not have to worry.  However, income in my US bank accounts I must pay interest on regardless as it is domestic income and the same rule applies for Polish income I have to report it to the Polish government. You should combine your world wide income and report it. You can not and should not hide anything.

Benefits of dual citizenship

Above  is the worst part of being a dual citizen and most do not have to worry about it. Besides feeling like Jason Bourne or an International man of mystery, the best part is I get to live anywhere in Europe or American without a second thought about visas. I also get to work basically anywhere I want, the USA or in the EU as I am a “dual citizen”.   This makes life very easy for me and my family.  Further my family is a dual citizen so if I have children they can study in the EU or the USA and work anywhere.  It makes life very interesting.

How to get a dual citizenship

Most people looking for dual citizenship are American looking to connect with their roots.  The EU goes by blood or birthright jus sanguinis.  This is in contrast to the US which goes by jus soli or by place of birth.

If you parents are citizens then you will be.  It does not matter where you are born.  However, if you are born in the EU it does not mean you will get citizenship.

Grandchildren get special treatment, but citizenship is not confirmed rather it is obtained through nationalization in most countries.  So if your grandparents came from Poland for example, you can apply for naturalization but usually can not automatically get confirmed.  I do not want to go into the law as it is very complex. However you ca ask question and maybe I might know. A lawyer can help but they are pricey.  The law is the law, if you know it and apply you can get it.  I do not think there are any loopholes.

I had a lawyer and I knew more than he did about the law.  Really, I did it my way and got two citizenships.

The best place to check the law is at the consulate of your country you want to apply for double citizenship for.  You need to apply.

How to obtain a dual citizenship

What do you need for dual citizenship?

  • All documents translated by an official translator in the official language of the country.
  • Birth certificates, marriage certificates, no exceptions.
  • Official statement from your country that you are free from obligations of money or law.  That is you are good standing.
  • Visa for the current country.
  • CV and other qualitative statements proving you will be a positive good citizen. Sometimes there is a language requirement. It does not hurt to learn the language to some level.
  • Police checks
  • Judge and court approval
  • Application for citizenship.

This is similar in all countries.

Time for dual citizenship

Count on about ten years.  Forget some express marriage stunt.  Live in the country and work and apply and maybe you will get it.

UK dual citizen

My brother after 20 years of living in the UK got his citizenship. Perhaps he could have got it sooner but I guess he did not apply.  But he worked under a work visa then green-card.

What about citizenship through marriage?  That can be another post as it is a different type of citizenship application process.

Other citizenship considerations

Some exceptions to dual citizenship are countries like Ukraine.  They do not allow dual citizenship but you know, what they do not know will not hurt them some people say. But I would double check this before I took a chance.

For immigration or visa or citizenship you will need a police check

I think countries like Italy,the Netherlands and Ireland have and perhaps the easiest dual citizenship laws. Immigration laws and nationality are always sensitive issues as the whole world wants to live in Europe and America.  Maybe not the whole world but a lot of it wants to get a work visa.

If you are looking to get entrance to the US or EU for work from a Middle Eastern or African or Asian country I think you have a harder time now than say an American.  Even though the law is the law, the EU has been flooded with Eu applicants and false marriages from the third world so the police and government does double checks on many people aspiring for EU citizenship.

My dual citizenship quest for jus sanguinis

I first came to Poland in 1999 and in 2009 I obtained my dual citizenship.  I had Polish family, and in theory was a dual citizen, just not confirmed on paper. Then I got married lived here for many years to and EU citizen, I am still married and will be forever.  I applied and waited and worked legally and did positive things for Poland. I also learned the language . But still look how long it took.  So if you think you can just waltz into the EU with a marriage, think again.  I knew a guy it took 19 years before he was citizen.  Things have changed.  I guess because I was an American and my family came to the USA with Polish passports it was easier, well over ten years latter.

But if you are looking for a wife for citizenship it is not legal and I would think again.  Marriage is sacred.  God sees all.  You might rationalize it that you are doing it for work or money, but you can rationalize any crime like this.  Marriage is sacred and forever.

If anyone has questions or comments about dual citizenship please let me know. However, please writing in full sentences without chat style, that is use proper punctuation and spelling.

EU dual citizenship is worth it

I think the benefits far outweigh the trouble so if you are patient and honest why not apply for dual citizenship.

How to find a wife

The purpose of this post is to recommend how to find a wife. That means literally what countries I recommend for finding a lady friend and those I do not.  However, the more important part of this post on how to find a lady friend is about how to find the qualities in a gal what would make a good wife for you.  Yes you want a nice little wife who will make me happy. If you are shocked by the truth or faint of heart, proceed with caution in reading.

Search for your betrothed

Who is this post for? Primarily single men looking for a wife. However, girls married men etc, I invite feedback.  If you combine the questions what and where, this will get you to how to find a wife. You need to be a chooser.  That is make  conscious choices to avoid women who are troubled my their own inflated ego and pride. These are no princesses.

Take your time please and read this post and consider that I say.  Review the different pages of my website.  If you do not have time, book mark the site and come back and explore these two parts of my post.

I really sincerely want you to find the wife of your dreams as she will truly make your life beyond what you could have ever imagined.

If you want to know about me?  Yes I am very happily married to the women of my dreams.

Finding a lady friend – the only way

I will tell you what others do not tell you about “how to get a wife”. I am not going to be politically correct nor chauvinist. I do not sell anything.  I will tell you from a practical stand point the qualities in a women that will make you happy.

I am doing this because I want you do be happy with your life.  Your lady friend will be you happiness or your hearts discontent more than anything else in your life.  Your wife will make you happy or cause misery in your life.  So make sure your marriage partner with wisdom as your guide.

Why not listen to other advice about how to find a lady friend?

If you follow what current society leads you to then you will most likely be unhappy. A lot of what is written about love and dating today are by women or the politically correct.

My purpose is not to offend anyone, rather help those are want to find a lady friend.  I just want to convey in an honest way what my experience in life has led to in terms of finding a your other half.

If you listen to others, new wave people, you will have a hard life, I promise.  In fact, instead of following conventional wisdom and find a liberal professional American girl to marry for example, why not just find someone you despise, give them your house and half your money and save yourself all the trouble of marriage.

How to find a wife – Why I have perspective?

I have traveled the world  many times and have a personal interest in language and cultures. I have lived in many place,  I live in Europe currently. I simply want to help you filter out the mixed messages you receive from the media and popular culture.

I am happily married as are my brothers and father. Their whole life they have been very happy.  I choose my spouse based on high ideals.  I recommend you do to. I have enough world experience to match almost anyone so it gives me perspective. If you disagree let me know. But to find a wife you need to know what to look for.  Trust me, not the media or popular culture.

What a good wife must have to be a good lady friend or you must walk away and forget her without looking back

  • Faith in God
  • Forgiveness – a good wife might say I am sorry all the time.  I do.
  • Believes in fairy-tales – someone who is idealistic about life, if you want a princess you need someone who believes in fairy-tales not some trashy post modern girl. I still read romantic books. If your girlfriend has never read romantic books, I would get a new girlfriend.
  • Is irresistibly attractive for you. Find someone who is cordial for you and you are cordial for.  It is biology. You do not to be an alpha guy, those guys are very primitive.  Better is having charm, this is attractive no matter what you look like.
  • Believes in you. Is totally impressed by you and your are her one and only hero. Find a lady friend that is looking for a prince or hero to rescue her.
  • Believes in being humble and submissive. I will raise some eye brows with this, but it is the truth.  Find a wife who is humble. Love means you submit your ego to your beloved and will to bear all hard things. Anyone who does not humble themselves is not worthy to be called a ‘lover’.
  • Find a wife who knows how to cook and clean. A good wife wants to keep her husband happy, what is wrong with this?
  • Will be a good mother. More important than any good employee for her boss in her profession is a good mother to her children. Being a mother and a wife is the most important job on the planet. Women lawyers are perhaps the worst choice in finding a good wife for example as they try to balance career and family. Ha ha. Do you not know, family is almost the most important thing? Forget balancing or juggling in most cases these two things.  I would rather live in a 300 sq foot flat with my family than make work my priority.  I live in Poland, people are happy in their family lives with little money and in the USA I see many people who are unhappy with a lot of money.  Make sure your wife puts family first, as you do.
  • Is not a spender
  • Find a lady friend that does not want to change you. Does not hassle you. Love does not alter which it finds. The worst women is one that says he won’t change.  This is a nightmare twisted woman, get away from this type.
  • Believes there is no reason to leave a marriage. Divorce is not an option.  Either you are in forever and swear this before God or you are not.  Marriage is sacred.
  • Loves you with all her heart and will all the days of your life.

I think being humble sums all the above up.  She should be grateful to be with you and will spend the rest of her life showing you her gratitude. This is what you look for to find a good partner.

Are you offended by this? I do not care it is the truth if you want to find a wife.

Further as a man it is your responsibility to win her heart and devote your life to love her.  This is love without limits. I expect nothing less from myself than total devotion to my wife.

How to find a lady friend? – Be a prince and your will get your princess

How to find a good wife – materialistic or fairy-tale it is your choice

Does this sound old fashion? It is not. I have the above qualities so why not look for someone who is similar, when looking for a wife.  If you want to find a princess than be a prince. I think if your reading this post you believe in the above but afraid to get it in your life. You might be afraid to speak it because of political correctness and materialistic screaming at you. Men in American movies are always portrayed as bad and good for nothing, but if you are reading this you know that is not true.  Only in extreme examples are men as bad a portrayed, most of my friends are loving sensitive caring men.

You can have a screaming materialistic or a fairy-tale princess.  It is your choice.

I know many women like this.  Further, they are happy to be this way.
If you are a very loving caring idealistic guy, why do I not deserve the someone who is the same.  I am sensitive and idealistic and chances are so are you.  Do not settle for some corpulent American or UK girl with a tattoo and an attitude.

Which country to find a girl?

What countries are best for long term relationships?

  1. Eastern Europe Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Poland Lithuania, Macedonia, Romania. (I do not recommend Czech girls or Hungarian girls.)
  2. Latin America  girls, all of them.
  3. Mediterranean countries, Italy, Spain, Greece
  4. Middle Eastern girls,  consider countries like Morocco.
  5. Asian girls It is another topic and it depends on their culture.  I would say Indian girls are the best for finding your lady friend for marriage.

Basically the whole world besides the USA and the UK. But really, guys take this seriously. Do not just read this post and walk away. Believe me I have been there. I was lonely, depressed and without anyone and I thought it was me. However, it was that my other half my destiny was waiting for me on the other side of the world.

I learned what the expression ‘to dodge a bullet’ means, when I think of all the close calls with American women.

What countries are the worst to find a lady friend.

1. UK
2. USA

I  say the UK is slightly worst then American girls in terms of the worst girls to marry as they lack faith in anything but their own self confidence.  American girls you can find faithful girls, but generally they are also pumped with ego and can not recommend these American girl.  I would say stay away from American and UK girls for any reason.

Why money plays no role in love – not an issue when finding a lady friend

I have herd many ridiculous lawyers and relationship advisor’s talk about protecting your assets before marriage.  I think they are from the devil.  I am sorry.   Love is not about money.  Love is from God.

Marriage and a wife is forever – Ask for help in finding your lady friend

How to catch a lady friend

1. Ask God for a lady friend.  Really. In your dreams and imagination before you fall asleep ask the universe to lead you to a wife that will be your other half.  Do this and be patient.

Where to find a lady friend?

Read my lips, take a vacation outside your own country and go to the places where women are princesses. If you can not do this you can try the Internet.

Read my girls for love blog and explore the country posts that have that are of interest to you.  I have specific recommendations on websites to find women from these countries.

But my recommendation is travel to a country like Argentina or Russia. The best place to find a girl is to travel to various countries, rent an apartment for a week or month on vacation and just meet girls.  What if you work too much?  Quite your, job take a vacation, whatever you need to do to find your wife. Stay in a cheap apartment somewhere and go out on torus of the city and interact with normal girls.  Take ten of these vacations until your passport is filled with stamps.  Do not have the money? Sell your house and car cash in your 401k.

What is more important having a house and a horrible wife or renting a small apartment and having the women of your dreams.  I mean this.  I was a Boston professional with a top job and I moved to Krakow, Poland and had a small rented flat about 200 square feet and washed my clothes in the sink.  But I now have my princess and am doing fine.  Believe in yourself and your ability to prevail no matter where you are.  Life is an adventure, enjoy the ride.

Do not stay in hotels and travel high class, travel raw budget, conserve your money.  I have hitch hiked and stayed in youth hostels and lived on French bread, its more fun.

Romantic love brings people together that should never be brought together.  Base your choices on wisdom, not pop culture.

I found my princess lady friend

Your dream and vision is a fairy-tale princess. You deserve this.  I found mine and I sometimes joke that I really died long ago and I am really in heaven and I do not know it. Why? Because my wife and I are in heaven since we meet.
Don’t you want the same in your life?

Does one true love exist

If you have ever wondered does one true love exist? I will lay all the cards on the table, the answer is yes. I have it and know others that also believe that true love exists.

The purpose of this post is to give you an argument about love.  However, not just about love but one true love. The number ‘one’ is an important word in this equation, err well I mean sentence.

This argument is for all you who are left brained and are skeptical if one true love does exist. This post is a little bit tongue and cheek, but nevertheless the logic is valid.

Consider my thesis in this post. However, in the end, perhaps love is a little like faith, for those who do not believe true love exists, no explanation is possible and for those who believe in love, no explanation is necessary.  Or perhaps it is is something you have experience for yourself, it is a gift.  So for all you doubting Thomases out there here goes.

Does true love exist? But what if you do not believe in love?

Love is about is about finding your destiny. Love is unconditional and without limits. Love is not about finding someone that will make your life comfortable, or money, or education or profession or nationality or race or corpulent or skinny. Love is about finding your other half. That is it. There is only one person for everyone.

However, what if you do not believe that there is one love in your life. What if you do not believe in your destiny. In fact, some of my friends do not believe there is one person for everyone. Oh ye of little faith. Indulge me and listen to my reply. OK even if you do not believe there is one person for everyone. Let us look at this from a mathematical perspective.

Setting up a quantifiable, measurable conceptual framework for true love

Lets say that the mutual benefit of love generates something called “love utils”. That is, when two people are together they generate units of love happiness for each other. Let us make the hypothesis that these units are measurable, quantifiable units of happiness.

Therefore, If you are with a girl named Jane then she personally might generate ten units of love happiness for you. However, if you are in a relationship with Sally, then the relationship would yield a robust 12 units of love happiness for you. This is clear.

Even if you do not believe in true love you can understand the idea that some relationships are more or less optimal, the only thing I have done here is added this quantifiable objective measure to it.

In this measure of ‘love utils’ there is calculated and factored the sum total of all things that makes you personally happy. There will be different weights attributed to different factors and components. Each person will have a different utility curve. For example, if one person values intellectual creativity while another person values long legs, your personal love equation factors these components into the ‘love utils’ measurement.

Mathematical optimization – one true love must exist

If you understand the idea of  linear algebra optimization, even if you do not believe in love as some abstract ideal destiny, then the reality is there is one person in the world who will maximizes your ‘love utils’. It is a mathematical fact.  It is an optimization point if you may.

Present value of your true love choice

Now here is the problem, in order for this person to be your destiny they must be the person that would maximizes your units of ‘love utils’ over your whole life.

For example, you could wait to meet a girl in outer Mongolia that will give you 100 units of happiness every year. However, if you do not meet her until you are 98 years old and your expected life expectancy is 100, than you will only get 200 units of love happiness or ‘love utils’ over your whole life. On the other hand, if you meet someone when you are say 25 years old and this person gives you only 5 units of love happiness or ‘love utils’ over your life then you would get 75 * 5 or 375 units of love happiness from this person. Therefore, she is a better choice than the person from outer Mongolia.

Next if you consider in this equation all possible matches, all probabilities of meeting (although determinist do not believe in chance, they are not the ones I am trying to sway as I would be preaching to the choir). You also need to consider of course things like if the girl does not like you, she will not stay as she is also a love maximizer. Everything needs to be factored. Once you understand this and are aware of this than you can not deny there is one person for you on their earth that will make your dreams come true.

Dating burnout or diminishing returns

Further, people will say, ahh but Mark, what about the idea of changing partners and riding the waves of love,  from one romantic high to the next. In the long run this strategy is ineffective for personal happiness as you begin to hit diminishing returns for each new partner.

You experience dating burnout. It is like eating one banana, the first couple are good, but after that, you experience this economic law of diminishing returns.  Further, once you eat too many you might become allergic to bananas like some of my friends who claim they are allergic to love.  Hmm, look them up when they are all alone in their 60s living with a room full of cats still cruising ladys and and see if in their heart they are really happy. This is on par with pitiful girls who claim they do not need love to make them happy.  Sorry about all that, lets get back to the analysis and examine some more naysayers.

I meet many guys who just want to meet a good looking girl who does not hassle them. They do not believe in the fairy-tale called love, ever. And I meet many girls who stopped believing in fairy-tales long ago. However, the truth is both patterns of negative thinking are a fallacy. If you find yourself in one of those camps, I only ask you to yield to the logic of this model.

See even if you are a person who does not believe in one true love, they can not argue with the notion that love is an optimization model. There is one optimal choice for you, when you consider all probabilities and factored weights and expectations in the statistical sense.

You need to consider all factors including such as, imperfect information, the ‘flight factor’ (that is the percentage of risk that she will dump you and run), how much effort it is to be with her, expectations etc. Love is reduced to nothing more than a deterministic equation, on par with an economic optimization model. That is where your marginal cost of being in is equal to your marginal benefit of being in a relationship. Once you find the intersection of those two points you can maximizes your the present value of that benefit over your lifetime, you catch that girl because that is the girl for you.

Conclusion about does one true love exists

You can not argue with math. Even if you are some corpulent drinking guy that watches sports all day and believes nothing about love, you can not argue with the mathematics of my love model. The only conclusion is there really is one person in the world for you. Call it what you want, the ancients called it destiny. Go out there and find your one true love, your other half. Here is my page on love quotes in several languages, I hope they help for your search for true love.

Italian language related to Romanian

Italian language and Romanian

What is the connection between Italian and Romanian? It amazes me how many people do not know that Romania comes from the Roman empire’s republic of Dacia.  This means the language of Italian and Romanian are closely related. Modern Italian and Romanian are derivatives of Latin.

Many people believe that Romania is somehow gypsy or that they speak some Slavic language because they are an Eastern European country. The reality is Romanians are like Italians living in Eastern Europe in terms of culture, however, they are Dacian in genes.  Or Italians are Romanians living in Western Europe. It is not only that they are both Romance languages, many languages like Spanish. Portuguese and French can claim this also, but Romania has a close tie with Italian because of the history of their nation. Other Romanic langauges are Catalan, Occitan, Corsican,Friulian, Leonese, Aromanian, Sardinian, Sicilian, Asturian, Galician,Venetian,and Neapolitan. Many people consider these languages as dialects of Italian.  Something that is spoken at home but proper Italian is spoken on TV and in government offices.

Does the Roman Empire still exist

Linguistically yes it does. If you aggregate all the Romantic speaking languages then most of South America, central America, the southern US, Quebec Canada and Southern Europe as well as other places around the world speak languages and have the culture that was derived from Latin and Roman culture. The Romantic languages may in the end dominate the world because of current demographic trends connected with birth rates of Spanish speaking people.

Romantic languages like Italian, Romanian, Spanish and French are all over the world.

Can Romanians understand the Italian language

Yes, Romanians watch Italian language TV. Many Romanians work and live in Italy as both countries are EU countries and this means free movement of labor and capital.

I think for a Romanian to speak the Italian language or the other way around it would take about a month of studying Italian.  However, even if you do not study Italian, a Romanian can understand it and communicate.

If they Study Italian they will be speaking it almost like a native after a brief time.

I think the difference between Spanish and Romanian are further linguistically than Italian to either one respectively.  There are 700 million Romantic language speakers and of those 4% are Romania.

EU Italy and Romania

Italy is setting up clothing manufacturers in Romania.  Italy is a fashion hub and Romania because of its communist experience, has cheap high quality labor.  Therefore it is a good fit for business.

Some day Romania will be rich.  Many people again find this hard to believe but it is true. Being in the Euro zone with free movement of capital and an educated population, you can not stop it from happening.  It is like a valve has been opened up.

Many British investors have moved into Romania to get ahead of the game when it comes to participating in the growth of this country. Unfortunately this speculation bid prices up in the real estate market.

If I had extra cash I would personally invest in Romania.  They have great high tech computer skills at a low price  and the English language is spoken.

Voice to text

What is voice to text

A voice to text program allows you to speak into a microphone so speak, and what you speak will appear in your word document or notepad or where ever.

Think of the possibilities you do not need to type any more. Chat by speaking instead of typing. You can lay in bed and write your blog. No more hands that hurt from typing too much.  Basically you will reduce your reliance on your keyboard and mouse.

I am not fully accustom to it so I use both now, a combination of voice commands (speech recognition) and keyboard is the best for efficiency.

Further you speech faster than you type and you can do more in less time. The accuracy will be about ninety-five percent accuracy if you train the program. It has self training capabilities. I personally do not know if I spell at ninety-five percent accuracy.

Note this is not text to voice, which is something else. Text to voice programs are everywhere and they read to you. This is a diction or voice to text, which means you do not have to type any more.

Where to get a free voice to text program

I use a free Voice to text program that is available to Windows users called SAPI. SAPI is part of the Microsoft Speech Software Development Kit (SDK).  If you are on XP then you need to install it from here from Microsoft.  Free voice to text program . If you have Vista or Windows 7 you do not need to install this.  Voice to text program is found on your start menu as displayed below.

Voice to text Speech recognition program free from Microsoft

This program will let you write e-mails or your blog or write that book you have been thinking about just by speaking.  When you speak it will write for you.  The set up is easy and Microsoft has a basic dictation program.  You can buy some commercial ones but why?  They have a few more whistles and bells but the one that comes with your computer.

Try blogging in the bath tube.  The bathroom has good acoustics and I just speak away.  However, I have to go back and revise my posts.

The future of voice to text

Skype and many other companies are already starting to come out with applications what you can speak into your phone and it will send an sms.  I think they technology was developed for the disabled in mind, but now, as it progresses it has uses beyond its original intention.  It is your personal dictation security.

The more advanced programs have commands for moving your mouse and scrolling etc.

Language application for speech recognition

Voice to text programs come in various languages of course. If you are trying to learn pronunciation in the Spanish language for example, you could practice with a Spanish voice to speech recognition program and try to improve your accuracy when you are reading Spanish text.

If you have question about the install or use of this speech recognition program please review this site.

Polish visa requirement

New Polish Visa requirement

If you are on your way to get Polish citizenship, or want o get a Polish citizenship as an entry for the EU, then there is a new requirement you should be aware of.

If you want to stay in Poland as you are waiting for a Permanent visa you need twenty-five Euros a day for every day of your temporary visa.  This is a new law about three weeks ago.

The purpose of this new EU Visa requirement

The point of this rule is twofold. First, they want to make sure you can live in Poland without becoming dependent on your host EU country, that is Poland.

You are a guest and you are not a citizen and should not expect hard working people to support you just because.  Therefore this new Polish visa rule is very reasonable.  I think it takes more than twenty-five Euros a day to live in Poland so it is a very low barrier to entry.

When I applied for my visa for Poland the police reviewed my financial records and so did the city offices.  Now they have just made it more formal.  So it is not against anyone, it is just so you will not fall into trouble when you are in a foreign country in the EU.

The second thing this does is cut down on the number of increasing false marriages to get a visa for Poland.  One-quarter to one-half of the marriages in Poland to foreigners are fake, with the sole purpose of getting an EU citizenship.

This is very wrong.  People use the system and Poland is making it harder and illegal to do so.  If you get caught in some agreement, even if it simply verbal,  you could go to prison. And I think you should.

The foreigner pays some Polish girl ten thousand dollars and she get married he get citizenship and he is off to London.  The Polish girl has money they guy has a EU visa then and EU citizenship.

This is very unfair and very illegal.

Problem with false Polish visas

My parents were technically Polish, my family is Polish ( I am married) I have lived in Poland for about six years, I speak Polish and have worked legally in Poland. To get a Polish citizenship it took me about six year..  This was the fast track because my blood is Polish and under Polish law I am technically Polish, just not confirmed.

One guy from Peru it took him nineteen years.  Therefore, the Polish courts look at every case carefully.  If you are from Ukraine and married to a Polish citizen I think this is not a big deal as Poland and Ukraine share a similar history.

But if you are from Africa or the Middle East they will view your case with care because although some of these guys are sincere, many just want to escape their own countries for some reason.  I have been to Africa and the Middle East and it is beautiful, so I do not understand it.

In fact, many Polish girls are abandoned by their new husbands once they get a Polish visa.  And the Polish girl can not get remarried as the guy is no where to be found for a Polish civil law divorce.

I think this is funny and should teach Polish girls not to enter into such agreements based on money.  Marriage is for love.

New Polish visa law is good

I think this law is good to require on the Polish visa application twenty-five Euros a day.  It should be more.  If you are staying in Poland for One hundred days this means two thousand five hundred Euros you have to prove.

Student Visa for Poland

Student visas of course is different.  They have different rules, laws and regulations.  The above rule is connected to those who want to get a “visa for Poland” through a civil marriage agreement or contract.

If you have question about this issue or citizenship for the EU just ask. I am not an expert or a lawyer but I might know just enough to point you in the right direction.

Bilingual education

Bilingual education for your child

The best way to raise a bilingual child is to expose them to both languages at the same time. That means,do not favor one language over the other. Simply speak naturally to your child in both languages. After the age of nine months you can actively teach your child the two languages by demonstrating what things are around the house. I found that before nine months, there is no great need to teach them, but rather speak to them naturally. That is bilingualism.

This post is a little long so I added some organization to it. Here are the major topics I will cover.

Why I know about raising a child with two languages

Here are my credentials for writing about bilingualism.

  • I have a daughter who is both American and Polish like me. We live in Krakow, Poland. We are raising her in two languages.
  • My mother was raised bilingual with English and Ukrainian.
  • My father was raised bilingual with English and Polish.
  • I was not raise with a multilingual education but had to learn languages as an adult. I now teach and learn languages in Europe.
  • I teach bilingual children as well as adults.

I do not profess to be the world expert on bilingualism or bilingual education, however, these are my personal experiences with bilingual children both as a father and a teacher.

I do not profess to be the world expert on bilingualism, however, these are my personal experiences with bilingual children both as a father and a teacher.

Real bilingual education mistakes stories

How not to teach children languages

I believe, and linguistic science confirms that people learn from mistakes. If you are an adult language learner, one of the best ways to learn is to make mistakes. It is our mistakes that teach us. Similarly, the Ancient Greeks favored tragedy over comedies. They preferred this because they believed we can learn not only from our mistakes but from other people’s mistakes.

Therefore, read and learn. I will give you five stories or examples of families that do not raise their children bilingual.

Bilingual education story one

I meet a British couple while on vacation in Greece. They were raising their children in Greece. They choose Greek to be their children’s first language. This decision was because the environment they was growing up in. They were given this language advice, that if a child learns two languages they can easily be confused. Therefore, it is better to learn one language at a time. This linguistic advice came from a local linguistic expert. Therefore, their intentions were to teach them English later, in school with the other children. This is wrong thinking. It is wrong because the children will learn their second languages, English, as a non-native speakers. In fact, they will never get those years back, and lose the window of opportunity to make them truly bilingual. For their whole life English will be stored in the second language area of their brain, rather than their primary language area of their brain. They will never master their second language and never truly be bilingual, even if they sound like they are fluent. Brain imagining confirms this and so does my personal experience.

Bilingual education story two

Another mistake in raising a child with two languages is being too passive. For example, I have meet a couple of American fathers in Poland who teach English to foreigners. Yet, amazingly these teachers are very passive about teaching their children English. Their children understand English, but speak Polish. That is the children do not want to use one of their two languages. Why? Children are children.

The children’s fathers are more poets or backpacker type teachers. They love their children very much, but when it comes to playing an active role in teaching them English, they are more passive. They enjoy talking philosophy or watching the football match on TV with their ex-pat friends in a pub than being active in their kids language learning. They wrongly assume, their children will meet English anyway. This is a wrong assumption. Why? Because kids gravitate toward the path of least resistance. Unless you actively guide children with love, patience and time, their learning during these critical years will be less than optimal. The result is they will not be perfectly bilingual.
Bilingual education story three

I also meet a British father who thought it was cool to speak Polish his son. In my opinion this is very selfish as this child will not learn English like his father learned English. I was doing this myself a little. I love speaking in different languages. So I was practicing my Polish sometimes with my daughter sometimes or mixing English with other languages. However, one of my students point this out to me. I was unaware I was doing this. I do not know why I was not aware, it was my fault.

I think most parents’ mistakes are things they are not aware of consciously. If you want your child to be bilingual you have to be proactive. If you and your spouse speak several languages, then each one of your needs to speak in the language(s) that you are the strongest in speaking. Otherwise, your child will speak with an accent. In fact, I met children growing up in multilingual homes with permanent accents because their parents did not teach them in the right way.

On the other hand, another point which might sound like it contradicts some of what I said above, if you live in a country, favor the other languages. Why? Because all the children’s friends, school and TV will give them immersion. To be bilingual children your children need your help with the non local language. If you are not worried about your child’s linguistic development, become worried. Quite your job. Stay at home with your child and work with them. Better than saving for an Ivy league school, is teach and love them when they are young. This goes for fathers and mothers. What would you, yourself rather be a polyglot with multiply passports and experience with many cultures or have a piece of paper that says you have a degree? If I had to choose I would choose the former. However, the irony is if your child is a polyglot then they will have a better chance in getting into a top school. So stay at home if you can and have your kids love languages.

Does this sound like radical advice? It is not. I do not have a cushy life. However, I hope to raise happy children. What is more important to you, your important career and money or your children?

Bilingual education story four

A couple of my neighbors are rich. One is a Lawyer and one is a Doctor. They have both asked me should I teach their children who are around two years old English. I said yes, right now, start today. Get a private tutor, it does not have to be me. Or put them in a class with native speakers. There are English schools for the young. There is an English church in town and an English story time at the American bookstore and many other opportunities for the kids to have immersion even without spending money. Get involved in your child’s language learning. They said, ah they will learn it in high school, and they took a vacation (the third that year) instead or investing in their child. Again, I think this is very selfish.

Bilingual education story five

I was teaching a bilingual native speaker in English and Polish. The girl was ten years old and lived in the USA until she was eight. However, since moving to Poland she was lagging behind in her English language development. This was because since she moved to Poland and attended school her parents and friends spoke only in the Polish language.

Her mother was determined that the way I teach her daughter was with grammar drills. This is because this is the way she learned English as a none native speaker. Her mother wanted this naturally bilingual fluent native speaking child to spend my lessons with her doing a lot of book work. Book work meant learning grammar forms and pen and paper, rather than conversation. For example, practicing the present perfect tense or the difference between passive verse active speech and English grammatical constructions.

The child so disliked languages learning she would not do her homework and complained all the time, and then said she did not like English. This is the wrong way to teach a native speaker bilingual child. A child like that needs to learn vocabulary naturally and just practice and enjoy the language. Read books at her level and have fun with the language. She should read books like Sweet valley high and Nancy Drew or movies like Princess Diaries or learn about animals and the world in English. She should not be punished with boring grammar and book work, while in the presence of a native speaker. These grammar books were made for non-native speakers to learn a language as an adult. A bilingual child’s brain functions totally different. Eventually I taught her my way. That is, lots of natural conversation and just get her using and enjoying being bilingual, watching films using the Internet in English and talking about it during the lessons as well as some vocabulary work. Her mother was from the old school and did not like it and wanted her to return to grammar books. I eventually gracefully gave up as I did not need the stress.

What can we learn from these bilingualism failures above

I think the lessons from the above stories are as follows:

  • Bilingual children should learn both languages simultaneously, with equal development with both languages. Do not worry about measuring their linguistic development with their peers because they are special bilingual children.
  • Do not assume a child will become perfectly bilingual naturally just because one or two parents speak a language. You need to be active and not passive in the teaching process.
  • Put your child’s development before you career and lifestyle and education in school. You, and not your school or any experts are responsible for your child’s development.
  • Do not teach bilingual children in methods made for non-native speakers. Make it fun not work.

Bilingual experts

In my opinion ‘experts’ are often full of ideas and ego. Therefore, they lose their objectively. In the past psychologist were recommending the approach mentioned above, that is teaching a child one language at a time. They were wrong for many reasons.
Children have a window to learn languages in a native way. Once this door is closed it is closed forever. Even if you are fluent in a second language as an adult you will store the information in a different area of the brain and it only mimics real fluency.
Children that learn two or more languages as a child’s brain develops a more flexible structure than non-bilingual children. In fact, these children have a greater protection against senility in older life and mental decline. They are also in general just smarter. How do I know this? Modern studies on the brain confirm this.
A child might initially develop linguistically slower learning multiply languages at once, but this challenges their brain and they develop compensatory strategies for learning a language. Therefore, by the age of ten they are equal or greater in both languages.

My parents did not make my trilingual for this reason. They were advises by experts to only teach English. The experts were wrong. While the experts are trying to give a definition to the word bilingual you and be focusing on teaching your child Spanish or another target language.

Raising child with a bilingual education

How to give your child a bilingual education even if you are not multilingual.
With all children with love and patience. They are only children.I do not believe in the hard way, at least not for the first twenty-five years. From zero to eight is when IQ is determined in a child as the child’s brain prunes unstimulated connections. From eight to eighteen a child’s emotional stability is determined. If you mess it up during these two phases they will spend the next twenty years of their life trying to recover. Therefore, with love and patience try to be good to them.

The first thing to remember is, they are only children. So try not to be goal oriented when working with them. Simply be there and spend time with them and have fun with them.

Concrete ways to raise a bilingual child
That being said here are some concrete ways to raise a child to be bilingual is you do not speak a two languages yourself.

Bilingualism-a bilingual education for children is fun
  • YouTube is in my opinion the best resource. It has short clips with native speakers which are made for kids.I use YouTube as a create source of multilingual sounds for them to digest. Kids get addicted to this early and can watch three or more hours a day starting at about age one. Next move to kids movies in your target language. Children love to watch the same thing over and over again.
  • I also love books. Reading every night from age 3 months or earlier, in different languages. Even if you are not a native in the language, reading to them with an accent is better than nothing, just my opinion. I think some linguists will cringe at this.
  • Enroll them in a bilingual day care. Or if your target language is Spanish for example, a Spanish day care even if you live in the USA. If they have friends that speak the target language bilingualism will be more natural.
  • Perhaps this is my best advice. Hire a native speaking tutor. Sell your car if you can not afford it. There is nothing more important then loving your child. Use local classified ads that exist in every city. There are always students from other countries that will tutor your child at ten dollars or less. If you spent thirty dollars a week on your child your child would be bilingual for life. If you live in the USA are you telling me you can not afford thirty dollars a week? I live in Poland and I live on only a few hundred dollars a month. Stop making excuses and start investing in your child while they are young, rather than saving for that big high in the sky Ivy league education that in my opinion is not worthy as much as enriched cognitive function of your child’s brain while it is still flexible.

Use your imagination. If you are proactive. Be positive and relaxed about it. Although I make a strong argument that you should make introduce bilingualism to your child, there are no shoulds in life. But why not introduce bilingualism into your child’s life and enrich it.

Here is a series of posts I wrote on languages and bilingualism .  Here another site worthy of consideration on bilingual education.

You are smarter than you think. Look in your town and with multimedia resources to teach your child more than one language. If you have a desire, you can have a bilingual child and it will enrich their lives.

Why relationships succeed

Relationships succeed for one very simple reason:

  • The people are similar in their world view in a radical way.

That is, religious or philosophical ideals that crystallizes their vision of the world and modus operandi in the world, this is  manifest in each person humbles and submits themselves to the other, this is love.

Once you get past physical attraction a relationship, is really about home much you can let go of ego and pride. I think women often use their looks to get what they want. It does not set a good precedent.

Make a relationship work

Once you get past physical attraction a relationship, which have no illusions about is central, it is really about home much you can let go of ego and pride. I think women often use their looks to get what they want. It does not set a good precedent. The woman has to be irresistible for you, but have the virtues of a prayerful person.

Therefore, to make a relationship work, do not listen to every advice column on the web. Do not even listen to psychologists or your girlfriends. You do not need to take compatibility tests all over the web or check each others signs. All you need is a world view that is the same in a radical way.

Why relationships succeed – be on the same path of self purification in life.

How to choose your wife or husband

  • What you do need to is ask the other person right in the eye, what they believe about life and the reason we are here. It has to be face to face and honest.

If you or they cannot answer that, or have a divergent view, this is an issue that you have to think about. As you will be spending your life with a person who has a different idea on what life is about. Ask this once you get to know them of course, dating is not a business interview.

Why relationships succeed at first then have trouble

Ego is the opposite of love. Pride always comes before the fall and ego is what causes pride. People are not willing for be submissive. Women today think being a submissive girl is a bad thing. I believe anyone who can not humble themselves and drop their pride everyday can not love and certainly not forgive.

People with pride cannot see their own faults and only find faults in others. Why would I ever want to be in a relationship with a prideful, egotistical girl? Any guy that does not see this does not have wisdom and will be in for a very painful life.

The converse is also true. If a guy does not put love above job, other girls and friends, it is better this guy stays single. I think if a guy is in a relationship he should ideally not even look at other girls. Yes casting your eyes on other girls beside your wife is not the way to live your life.

  • I believe in all or nothing.

If you think I am old fashion, I am not, look at my blog and what I write about. I love girls and think women and love make the world go around. Girls are just pure fun.

Why relationships succeed

Relationships succeed because of the similarity of world views in a radical way manifest in actions not words.

  • Why relationships succeed – two souls who look at the world in the same direction.
  • The reason relationships fail is because ego

Meeting a nice girl or having things in common does not do it for me. I am talking about love.

Love is as if you and the other person are the only two people in the world.

Love is as if it is you and the other person against the world.

Love is all or nothing when it comes to spirit and soul. If you do not believe in this, than do not get married and waste some poor girls time. Go for the real thing, love that will last a lifetime. You have this twin soul who you share your life with, it will succeed.

Why do I know more than others?

  • My parents were together for 70 years.
  • I have been married happily many years.
  • I spend my life studying, life and happiness and no matter what the media tells, you, I am telling you the truth. Love is based on a deep spiritual connection manifest in a fusion of ideals.

What about opposites attracting?

Many people think opposites attract. Maybe physical opposites attract for a while, but moral similarities and general character is what keeps a relationship happy. In fact, you should be two peas in a pod. So similar that you might even look similar. See psychologists have studied this and I believe it. The best relationships are relationships that have the same social, religious, ethnic and educational background. The most important is religious or philosophical ideals.

My relationship

I am American married to a Polish girl. But I am also Polish, catholic and we both have master’s degrees. We have similar world views and interests. We have a lot in common, and I am talking about world views and ideals more than a list of interests you might find on a dating site. Most of our conversation in life is about life and family. Yes we do a lot of fun things together like play chess, homestead and travel but our relationship is about love and God.

In fact, I spend 24/7 with my wife. I work at home as she does and we like to be around each other 24 hours a day.

Some people say, ‘wow’, that is strange. However, my reply is, I think that is they way it always was in history. Man’s evolutionary history was as follows: man and women were be together all the time. It was only in the modern corporate world people are gone 14 hours a day from each other because of work and friends.

The way of all of humanity was you spend your life with your family and your people. You support each other and do not leave the other. Life is about a struggle to exist and perpetual your people and this is done best within the context of a loving relationship centered on God, or at the very least and overriding human ideal.

I believe something eternal and transcendent needs to be the ethos of your relationship. If you let the Divine into this transitory world, miracles will unfold in your life.

How to live happily ever after

If you want a happy relationship find a humble person. Then find someone who you could spend everyday all day and night with.

  • Of course be hopelessly attracted to this person.

If you ignore the above then good luck. If you have consider the above than your relationship will be a fairy-tale.

Chakra in Krakow Poland on Wavel hill

Where is the famous Chakra of Krakow, which often times official tour guides do no like to talk about and many people ask me where is the Chakra of Cracow? It is in the Castle in the court-yard in the East corner.

location of the chakra of Cracow

Here is aphotoclose up of the Krakow chakra. The energy is from deep within the earth and radiates up.

Krakow chakra

What is the Krakow chakra

There are seven energy plexus in the world, one of them being in Krakow, Poland in the Wawel castle.  It is the second chakra connected with passion and life generation.  It is an inter dimensional portal that has existed before recorded time.  Humans have lived on Wawel hill about 50,ooo year maybe as long as 100,000 years but I think more like 50,000 years at most, this is based on archaeological evidence.

Map of the location of this Hindu energy center.

Wawel hill was a center for Pagan worship and mythology with idols along the Vistula river.

I do not believe in all this new age stuff, but I do believe in archaeology and science and religion in the ultimate meaning of the universe.  I think there is a reality  deeper than our brains can perceive.  In fact, like Hegal argued there is a complex stratification of reality.

I point this out as the Chakra of Krakow is interesting and important part of some Eastern Religions.

You can see people meditating and touching it all year around.  So many people are there the walls are worn.

History of the seven Shiva energy stones

The seven places,  chakras, are: Krakow, Rome, Mecca, Delhi, Delphi, Jerusalem,  and Velehrad. This is according to Hindu religion. Look up lord Shiva, he is seen as the transformer.

God caste seven stones into the world and the energy radiates from these points. Some people say studies confirm this.

It would be cool if an inter dimensional time space portal plexus did exist there on Wawel hill.

7 energy centers, Cracow is the second from the bottom.

Energy nexus in Eastern Europe causes mixed reactions

Having an energy nexus in Krakow means something different culturally for someone from Eastern Europe then the USA.  It is because the Eastern Europeans have a love/hate curiosity with anything outside of the orthodoxy of Roman Catholicism. Whereas in other cultures particularly in South America magical and supernatural elements from pre-Christian times are part of their understanding of Catholicism and classified as mystical or spiritual. This is connected to the history and demographics of conversion.

In contrast, a person from Poland is often either more Orthodox, or they reject everything about the church and even arrogantly ironic. In the West, which is a melting pot of ideas because we did not have the experience of communism closing our world for fifty years, there is more of a fusion or dilution, depending on your perspective.

Therefore, the mention of an energy nexus will invoke either total skeptical sarcastic remarks or warnings that this is outside the realm of something that should be discussed or considered.

I personally think it has more of a historical significance than a metaphysical reality. It could be seen as a Jungian thing on a massive world wide scale but I never felt anything when I was there.

However, just because my experience was nothing special, does not mean it is not a reality as there are other people who experience something.

The hill where the Chakras exists is known as Wawel hill (pronounced Vavel and means ravine)) and it was formed in the 25 million years ago in the Miocene epoch and is rich in limestone from the Jurassic Oxfordian age about 160 million years ago.

Archaeological remains indicate there were pre-Slavic cultures and a pagan worship area. Polish culture were relatively late comers.

Foreign language conversation

Foreign language conversation

Do you want to learn a language, try foreign language conversation.

Foriegn language conversation class

The best is conversation with a native speaker of your target foreign language. This post will cover:

Foreign language conversation

  1. My reasons why I think conversation is one of the best ways to learn a language
  2. How to use this tutoring to the best of your advantage
  3. Where to find a foreign language tutor

Why conversation with a native speaker is valuable to learn a language

I have taught languages for many years now. I have also been learning languages for many years. I have tried every method under the sun. In my opinion if you are serious about learning a language one of the best methods is to have a tutor in your target language to speak with. It is like the matrix, you can learn on your own and use programs but until you are out of the simulation programs (or text books if you may). You need to practice speaking, not just studying or watching movies in your foreign language. One on one foreign language conversations not in a class.

Foreign language conversations one on one

Maximizes your conversation lessons

Most people just show up to lessons whether it is at a school or a private tutor and expect to learn a language. This does not work. What you need to do is study every day. Day in and day out and let your 1 hour a week with a tutor be cream. Just practice where you can flex what you have learned. I have worked with students that learn words and study everyday and they make progress and others that just show up. If you just show up you will not get worst, you often improve but very slowly. But if you drill with flashcards at home or a language learning program and then practice with native speaker conversation in your foreign language then you will improve.

I recommend flashcards as the best way to learn on your own. I if you want to learn Russian for example I have great visual learning flashcards as well as other languages.

Foreign language conversation resources

For the lessons I recommend 70% pure conversation (where you are corrected and repeated patterns of mistakes are noted by the tutor and worked into the grammar lessons) 20% grammar drills (real drilling – not too much explaining grammar) and 10% other, which could be dictation, reading/pronunciation work etc. This grammar drilling consists of having the native speaker drill over and over verbally different iterations of grammar examples.

Foreign language conversation resources

Where is the best place to find a foreign language conversation tutor for lessons? Look around the Internet and ideas on my site.  I would say classified ads is also a good place to start. If you are in the states craigslist, in the UK gumtree or use the Internet as many tutor have pages. Take your time and write a few teachers as each persons style is different. Language schools are ok but are pricey, better to find lessons on your own.

Picking the right foreign language tutor

English native speakers in Europe are often backpacker hipsters and not very good unless you find someone doing it for a couple of years. The same goes for say a Russian or Polish tutor in the UK or USA. Also I am not a big fan of skype lessons (I have had many people ask if I do these lessons, but I turn them down) as they are really not the same, you need a 3d real person, your brain takes information in differently when its real. Computers are great for learning a language on your own but for conversation you need a 3d person, your brain needs 3d real for languages in addition to other resources like flashcards. If you do not have too much choice in experience, girls are better teachers but if you find a guy who has been teaching for a few years men are better conversation teachers.

Foreign language conversation teacher dating

Dating your language teacher

It is interesting to note some people do wind up dating their conversation teacher. A lot of the teachers are young and beautiful and are in a new country looking for new experiences and you have an interest in their language.
What if you have a girlfriend or boyfriend who is a native speaker is there any value in taking private lessons. Yes, because your partner does not drill you like they should, they are too nice. If you have a partner who is in your target language your lessons should be mostly drilling, not explaining. Explaining which many language teachers, especially none native speakers do are of little value because language is a reflex.

Let me know if you have any other ideas about foreign language conversation or what you think is the best way to learn a foreign language.