Polish – the hardest language to learn in the world
What is the hardest language to learn for English Speakers? Take a guess; it is not Chinese or Japanese. It is Polish. Polish has seven cases and Polish grammar has more exception than rules. German for example has four cases all which are logical, seem to have no pattern or rules; you have to learn the entire language. Asia languages usually do not have cases, or at least like that.
Polish – hardest language pronunciation
The Pronunciation is eons harder than Asia language as it usually has long tong twisting consonants. For example a Polish sentence might look like this:
- W Szczebrzeszynie chrząszcz brzmi w trzcinie i Szczebrzeszyn z tego słynie.
- Wyindywidualizowaliśmy się z rozentuzjazmowanego tłumu.
Further Polish people rarely hear foreign speak their language and with no accent or regional variation than pronunciation must be exact or they will have no idea what you are talking about.
So the next time you have heard someone has learned Polish have some respect. Polish is the hardest language to learn. But the truth is I doubt you will hear a native English Speaker, speak Polish beyond a few phrases. Can it be learned? Yes you can How to learn a language like I did. People do, it just takes humility.
Here is my argument that dispels the myth of Asian or other languages the most difficult
The Polish language has a Latin Alphabet, but the free ride stops there. Just how hard is Polish to speak? Well consider this, I have studied Polish most of my life, my parents speak Polish and I lived in Poland for about a decade and my wife is Polish, I have citizenship. Oh and some more, I have a passion for learning and even a nack, yet I would not say I speak the Polish language anything close to perfect. Here is how to a friend of mine learned the hardest language in the world. If I were to study French, Spanish or even Chinese I think I would gain a command of the spoken language that would surpass my ability in Polish perhaps in months. Norman Davies a lifelong champion of Poland has made a similar comments. It is not just the crazy grammar, or pronunciation, it is that the people who use it are so soft-spoken.
- Many people will argue that other languages are more difficult based on some official textbook understanding of linguistics. Hogwash, they ignore the most vital component in this ranking formula, that is the culture where it is spoken. For me it an unbelievable oversight. They perpetuate a paradigm of lies based on skewed weights and measures.
American English vs Polish – the way people speak determines how accessible a language is to being absorbed
Here is a concrete example. If you have ever heard some American coming from a club chances are you heard their rounded American English vocalized all the way from down the street, and that would be the girls, mind you. In contrast Slavic people, maybe because of their experience with communism like to stay in the shadows and conversations are almost in whispers. Or perhaps they are just more modest and there is not such a premium placed on self-assertion. It is very refreshing to be in a group and everyone is not trying to impress the other.
- A linguistic group’s social conventions regarding openness, receptiveness and how people communicate with each other and foreigners, is the most important aspects of language learning. It is eons more important than grammar or the script they use.
Consider this metaphor, it is like comparing a group of friends inviting and welcoming vs an elitist closed club that has little conversation. This is only a metaphor or analogy to convey a point. Where would you learn more? Similarly it is easy to go to the USA or converse with people in English as the English speaking culture is extroverted. That alone makes it a breeze to learn.
In contrast Slavic countries are good people but there is not a lot of boisterous openness. If you try to speak their language they will switch to English. It is just the culture or laugh and switch to English.
If you take a class in the language it is geared toward grammar rules and lessons. This is what they were taught in a post communist Eastern European classical education with a focus on form, than practicality.
It is the culture’s attitude, even is subconscious that determines if a language is child’s play or arduous. Polish are polite and kind but they are not even aware how introverted the culture is, which makes a formidable hurdle for your Broca’s and Wernicke’s area.
Again not that any of this is wrong or bad, it is just an obstacle that many people do not calculate when they are drawing up a list of the hardest languages in the world.
What about pronunciation?
When it comes to pronunciation, I remember when I first started to study Polish, my own family, who understood the context could not make out what I was saying. They were use to me still could not understand me. The Polish ear is not accustom to foreigners speaking their languages so they reject any sound that is not precisely native. This was not the case when I attempted to speak other languages like French, Spanish, Chinese with strangers. Basically when you try to communicate with a Pole and your pronunciation is off by an increment, you will be shut down. Therefore, pronunciation is interdependent on the cultural aspect of language.
Grammar seven cases and uncountable exceptions
Grammar in Polish is hard but what makes it harder is similar to the above, if your grammar is less than exact you get a wall. It is less so than with pronunciation, but think about how many foreigners speak English poorly and no one bats an eye. Well in Poland you miss a case than you get a smirk. They are just not use to foreigners speaking Polish.
Again this is not a criticism of the culture at all, I love the people and country, it is just all the world does not interact like Americans do with linguistic, flexibility, extraversion and assimilation.
Lechitic languages or Western Slavic languages are universally laborious because of the grammar, but have had many friends to learned it and it is worth the effort. If you can speak on your brain is opened up to new experiences and you would be part of that inner circle, plus there are many beautiful girls in Eastern Europe to connect with, I am just being honest.
Jeśli ktoś ma zamiar pisać z tłumacza google, to lepiej niech wcale ni e pisze, i wy ludzie się tak nie jarajcie bo to nie jakiś news.
On the spelling way, Polish language is the worst. I’m Polish, and when I write a dictation, I and most people from my class get American F -.-
Sorry for my English (possible mistakes) 😉
Ktoś tu wcześniej powiedział, że Czeski i Słowacki są trudniejsze niż Polski.
Someone here mentioned before that Czech and Slovakian are harder than Polish.
Polakowi trudno to stwierdzić, bo ze słowakami i z czechami dogadujemy się bez problemu. Ja mówię po polsku – czech po czesku i się mniej-więcej rozumiemy.
Well, it’s hard for a Pole to tell, since we pretty much understand each other. I speak polish – the czech speak czech and we more-or-less get each other’s point.
Współczuję tłumaczom z NSA – muszą się nieźle natrudzić, żeby prześwietlać cały rebeliancki ruch na polskich stronach… A może dali sobie spokój i dlatego w Polsce nie ma serwerów szpiegowskich?
I pity the NSA translators – they must have a hard time in order to keep track of all the rebels movement on polish sites… Or maybe they let it go and that’s why there are no spying servers in the polish borders?
he he… 😛
@”W Szczebrzeszynie” – so you took one of the hardest tonque twisters and presented it as a typical Polish sentence. Sorry, but this is BS – you could say that English is hard, because you can’t really understand the “perfectly correct” sentence “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo”.
Well, not really bs. I was born and raised in Szczecin, borough, Przesacin I use to attend several szkol (schols);my best friend’s name was Przemyslaw;
I think i did use this words on daily basis. But przepraszam (sorry) if i pointed that mylisz sie (you are wrong).
I’m sorry but I can’t agree with what you say about Polish people not being able to understand foreigners when they mispronounce. I am Polish, and have known many foreigners who only just started to learn Polish. I have never had any problems with understanding what they were saying, even if their pronunciation was far far away from the correct one. It is true for most of my friends, too.
If there is a language for which your argument is true, it is Danish. I am currently living in Denmark and been learning Danish for almost a year now, but more often than not my Danish friends can’t understand me when I try to speak their language. One has to be very precise when pronouncing Danish. Sometimes they even have difficulty with understanding each other, when speaking different dialects.
I’m living in Norway currently and the language is similar to Danish. You are right that some of people can’t understand each other depending on dialect. But on the other hand, can you understand Silesian dialect or Kaszubski?
I am Polish native and I agree even for me this language is difficoult. I practice Spanish 7 years and now a lot of times is easier express me in Spanish than Polish…but i dont know for examle Lithuanian…
hahaha, seven genders in Polish? like seven dwarfs? last time I checked there were only 3 : masculine, feminine, neutral – what do you know, how fast things move in the world! ; )
And we are in fact quite fluent, quite early on, hmmm.. could it be that native speakers don’t have to ‘learn’ their language? and that the Polish education system is not one to treat young paople as halfwits.. I think if we had to wait till we’re 16, we’d be in trouble!
Oh and the example sentences are actually tongue twisters, they’re not something anyone would say : D
Lots of other badly researched ‘facts’, but a very enterntainig read : D
l.poj. (sing.)
l.mn. (plur.)
sorry, couldn’t translate them into Englih 😉
I’m Polish native and in fact I had to check what “męskożywotny” means. And it is not exactly a gender. It’s more like some of things and animals can be said with ending similar to male (e.g. Paweł – Pawła; słoń – słonia) or differently (dom – domu, NOT: dom – doma).
So, to say it simple, in Polish are rather 3 genders in singular (male, female and neuter) and 2 genders in plural (male and female&neuter) 🙂
OMG, If you count plural genders different than singular and “męskożywotny” “męskonieżywotny” then in Czech there are 8 genders 😛
He mentioned 7 cases, not genders.
W 4 cię uczą tylko 3 potem masz więcej jak nie wiesz to nie pisz ok ?
Pomyliłaś pojęcia, nie chodziło tutaj o rodzaje lecz o odmiany.
A co do faktów w tekście to raczej są one poprawne.
I have a proposal for all who want to learn Polish or master it or even think it is an easy language. This is for Poles as well. Try to play Polish Scrabble. You can even try Polish free on-line version called “literaki” with a bit different set of rules. I play with my family (parents, grandma, brother, aunt) sometimes and as a 36 y.o. Polish guy, I still hesitate whether a usage is legitimate or not. I am quite well educated come from the capital city I speak official version of the language and I have doubts. There is a free on-line site to check your Polish grammar for games – sjp.pl. I strongly recommend it. Some words exist in this repository but cannot be used in the games. One of the best resource to look for if you want to check spelling and to know meaning of something at the same time.
Exceptions – we have plenty, because of our very rich history. Some words are spelled or written just like ages ago and some changed a lot. Some dialects are still used in small regions of the country. And they would not be understood by others.
We usually like the sound of Russian, French, Italian. Don’t like German. English is a bit neutral but quite easy to learn for us. Czech and Slavic are often considered similar but sounding “funny”. With many words sounding the same but meaning completely different thing. With a few nations around we can usually communicate in speech just by using simplified Polish and we should understand a bit of their language too.
Writing a perfect looking Polish A4 page of text is something which is still not mastered by many many adults. Authors of books and papers use a lot of help from other people who specialise in just this – correction of mistakes. Before internet era we used to write almost everything with an orthography book lying around. Spelling is not that hard as we write as we speak with a bunch of exceptions which can be learnt with some struggle. Young people do have problems with it though so I guess foreigners would too. But we very seldom use letter to letter spelling in spoken language. Mainly used in phone conversations and in surnames as they do not need to obey grammar rules.
Many people in Poland heard in television, make quite a number of mistakes. We also create new words very often (called ‘neologism’). There is no government stress on keeping Polish language intact. Young people use words in so many different meanings that they are often not understood by their parents when they are talking within their group.
Hardest language? Not sure about it but very hard – that is given. Adult educated Poles struggle with it and not that seldom. And not with some complicated grammar, tenses, conditional sentences. The problem is whether one declination of a word is valid or not. We often must resort to the dictionaries, because rules were different in the past and different now. And the change had been gradual and not governed by any arbitrary rule. You cannot rely on something that is looking or sounds similar. So we are confused which to use.
Poetry in Polish is huge and very very interesting especially from language point of view.
All people who want to learn Polish. Good luck! Start with simple words and pronunciation. We have very beautiful girls, so many foreigners come and have incentive to talk to them. The effort might be worth it! 😀
To be honest, I agree with another comments. When you are speaking (or at least trying) polish do their best to understand and give you some output. It seems to be very tough process to adopt and start speaking in appropriate way. In addition there is still problem with correct pronunciation but I think that the worst part is to writing in the correct way. It is still problem and big deal not only for foreigners but for native, as well. In the end it is not entire true, we can understand people from Czech Republik or Slovakia because in these languages is a lot of words which have quite different meaning. However, it is not so hard to exchange some basic information. Please do not get me wrong it’s only my opinion as the man who know polish and learn english and german.
First of all, you begin by presenting two tongue-twisters and trying to pass them off as typical sentences. This is terribly deceptive and off-putting to any potential learners of the language who may stumble on to your page. These tongue-twisters are difficult for anyone, Pole or not, just as an English tongue-twister is difficult even for an Oxford-educated academic.
A typical Polish sentence is by no means difficult to pronounce as every letter is 100% consistent in its pronunciation. No exceptions, none, not a single one. Polish is perhaps one of the easiest languages to read because once you have taken a little time to learn what sound is represented by each letter, you will *always* get it right.
Second; pronunciation does not need to be perfect. Yes, Polish people do find it strange when someone tries to speak their language, and they do smile sometimes out of shock, but pronunciation most certainly does not need to be exact. Poles are the most flexible and forgiving people when it comes to dealing with a mispronunciation. I have also studied French, Spanish, Italian, Catalan, Chinese and Swedish and I cannot say the same for speakers of any of these languages.
You doubt you will ever hear a native-English speaker speaking Polish beyond a few phrases? Well, you’re reading a comment by someone who has proven your doubt wrong and basically scordial it clean out of the water.
I have never once opened a book to help me learn Polish. I picked it up completely by listening to my boyfriend and his family speaking Polish and watching Polish TV, and then eventually by reading Polish websites. This was all before I moved to Poland. Not once have I taken a class, yet I have lived an entire year in Poland and have never once had to resort to asking someone can they speak English. I have gone to the doctor, the bank, government offices, bars, restaurants, had countless social interactions, basically everything that you do in your daily life, and I have always been very successful in my interactions, despite not having perfect grammar. And, in addition to this, I have been complimented many times on my pronunciation of this language that you claim is so difficult to achieve, and I have also been told my accent is near-perfect. Despite what you say about your experiences in Slavic countries, no one in Poland has ever switched to English for me.
You are also living under some illusion that Polish people are slow to interact with a foreigner and are not very open. I’m not sure if you’re living in the same Poland as me, but I most certainly cannot agree with you on that point to any level whatsoever.
You finish by saying that grammar is of utmost importance in communicating with a Pole. Certainly not. Like I have said, I have never even opened a book to learn Polish, and started learning at the ripe old age of 24, so I did not have the benefits of a child’s sponge-like brain. As a result of never having studied this language formally, I make grammar mistakes all of the time, yet I am always understood and very easily forgiven of my mistakes. Polish people are surprised and delighted that a foreigner in their country has taken the time to learn to speak their language, and as such they are hugely accommodating. I have most definitely never gotten ‘a wall’, as you call it.
I do not mean to sound condescending at all, but I really think you may need to re-examine your own personal ability to learn this language, because for me and many other foreigners in Poland, it is fine. It’s no walk in the park, but no language is.
@ Fifi, it was not about 7 genders in the article, but 7 cases, and that is correct. (Nominativus, Dativus, Genitivus, Accusativus, Locativus, Instrumentalis and Vocativus)
Nie zgadzam się w ogóle z opinią, że Polacy nie lubią jak się mówi w ich języku, nawet jeśli robi się to w sposób niezbyt poprawny. Osobiście zawsze się cieszę jeśli ktoś zza granicy próbuje chociaż używać mojego ojczystego języka żeby się ze mną porozumieć 😉
Będąc Polakiem, uważam, że polski jest relatywnie prosty. Uczę się go wciąż na nowo. Ale na przykład angielski – ciągle na nowo zwroty, które są tworzone w anglojęzycznych krajach. Czy kryterium elastyczności angielskiego nie sprawia trudności nowym użytkownikom?
I am Polish, I was born there and when i came here I learned how to communicate in English in about a month. Try doing it in Polish. I think all of you saying that Polish is not hard, Polish people are stupid. Try pronouncing some Polish words, Americans cant even pronounce a stupid hi in polish Czesc. So keep talking about how Polish isnt hard, Go try learning it.
How about Lithuanian? Cases and jumping accent (at least with accent there are only two rules in Polish) plus one more case, allativus, still in use. Spelling and pronunciation also extremely difficult.
OMG… I thought that only Poles have problems to read and understand what is written (which adds some extra difficulty to Polish ;)), but I’ve changed my opinion after reading most of the comments above.
“What is the hardest language to learn for English Speakers? Take a guess; it is not Chinese or Japanese. It is Polish”
I understand that the hardest language to learn for NATIVE English Speakers is Polish. And the author explains it from a point of view of English NATIVE speaker, not Polish, Danish nor Japanese…
I guess what is hard about polish language is a great variety of forms, not only verbs but nouns and adjectives and many of them are irregular and they depend on gender (but not always), number, cases, time.
The example for verb read – czytać
(present simple)
I read – ja czytam
You read – ty czytasz
He/she/it read – on/ona/ono czyta
We read – my czytamy
You read – wy czytacie
They read – oni/one czytają
(from now om I won’t use the forms “ja”, “ty”, “on”… cause they are unnecessary, we don’t have to use it in polish because every form of verb is different)
(past simple)
I read – przeczytałem (masculine), przeczytałam (feminine)
You read – przeczytałeś (m), przeczytałaś (f)
He/she/it read – przeczytał (m), przeczytała (f), przeczytało (for “it”)
We read – przeczytaliśmy (m, m+f), przeczytałyśmy (f)
You read – przeczytaliście (m, m+f), przeczytałyście (f)
They read – przeczytali (m, m+f), przeczytały (f)
I would read – przeczytałbym (m), przeczytałabym (f)
You would read – przeczytałbyś (m), przeczytałabyś (f)
He/she/it would read – przeczytałby (m), przeczytałaby (f), przeczytałoby (for “it)
We would read – przeczytalibyśmy, przeczytałybyśmy
you would read – przeczytalibyście, przeczytałybyście
the would read – przeczytaliby, przeczytałyby
I was reading – czytałem, czytałam
you were reading – czytałeś, czytałaś
he/she/it was reading – czytał, czytała, czytało
we were reading – czytaliśmy, czytałyśmy
you were reading – czytaliście, czytałyście
they were reading – czytali, czytały
I will be reading – będę czytał, będę czytała
you will be reading – będziesz czytał, będziesz czytała
he/she/it will be reading – będzie czytał, będzie czytała, będzie czytało
(an order)
you read! -czytaj
we read – czytajmy
you read – czytajcie
To sum everything up: 5:62
I won’t do more but we have more forms but the list is too long but I guess ths example is enough. In other times is equally, in some we don’t have an equivalent (in reality in polish there are only 3 times – past, present and future) but we have some other which in english
doesn’t exist (I mean forms).
The example for name Jacob – Kuba
In english there are only Jacob, Jacobs, Jacob’s. In polish: Kuba, Kuby, Kubie, Kubą, Kubę, Kubo, Kubów
The example for some noun: a book – książka
book, books vs. książka, książce, książkę, książką, książko, książki, książek, książkom, książkami, książkach
The example for pronoun
my vs. mój, moja, mojej, mojego, moją, moich, moim, moimi
For number
two – dwa, dwóch, dwie, dwójka, dwoje, dwoma, dwiema, dwom
second – drugi, druga, drugiemu, drugiej, drugiego, drugą, drugim, drugie, drudzy, drugich, drugim, drugimi
For adjective
beautiful – piękny, piękna, pięknemu, pięknej, piękną, pięknego, piękne, piękni, pięknym, pięknymi, pięknych
(I’m not sure that I’ve found every possible form)
I know too that the pronunciation is very difficult for example for spanish people – they have only c/z or s and we have s, sz, c, cz, dż, ż/rz, ś, ć from the same group.
Polish is hard, however, I see the Japanese and (possibly) Korean are lumped with Chinese in respect to grammar and difficulty. Chinese grammar is much easier and it also spoken with SVO word order like many European Languages. Japanese, although easy to pronounce, is a completely different ball game. It is very hard to master and be able to use in context like Korean. These two languages couldn’t be further from Chinese in their difficulty. I think Polish, for an English speaker, is difficult because of its cases, orthography and pronunciation. However, I think that it would take a person less time to reach B2 in Polish than in Japanese and especially Korean.
It’s virtually impossible to find a native speaker of English who speaks Polish perfectly well. Even though I’ve met many many Brits and Americans and some New Zealanders and Australians living here (their Polish is often thorougly good but still charmingly foreign) I know of one person only who, when decided to settle down in Poland, mastered Polish to such a degree that unless you knew he was Irish, you would never guess Polish wasn’t his mother tongue. I don’t know what happened to him but I’ll always remember Cathal McCabe as a genius.
Learning a language depends on your base of grammar knowledge. If you know Spanish, Italian, French, or Latin are a cinch. Polish is difficult for the native English speaker because we don’t learn grammar in schools. Once you learn a second language though, you know the process of learning a language and have probably mastered more grammatical constructs, so the next language, whatever it is, is easier. The people who never master a language are either not studying enough or the right way. It takes thought to learn a language until you know enough that it becomes ingrained and habitual. If people understand you with faulty grammar and pronunciation, you will have no incentive to improve. Many non native English speakers live years without finishing their study of Grammar. I work with a Doctor who has been here well over 40 years and I still cringe at her grammar and notice how she misses the finer points of a conversation because she just doesn’t get the grammar.
Ahoi! I´m native Czech! I am really angry, that Polish is always mentioned on Lists of the hardest languages, while my mothertongue, which is at least as hard as Polish (or maybe even harder?) is never mentioned.
Well, I have heard Czechs sometimes and tried to read some Czech websites, well the grammar seemed to be less difficult than in Polish, but I have one question: language of Czechs , for us Poles, is (sorry) for laughing, is it true that Polish for Czechs is primitive(and meaning old-“ancient” or easy-purely primitive)?
I am asking, because I try to analyse if Czech language was succeed by Lechitic/Polish or polish was (wsteczny) re-primitive to Czech or Lechitic/Polish descended from other Slavic tribes and thats why we see our languages in such speciffic different ways?
Russian language ,for Poles, is seen as a primitive/less “educated” people language…and the drzewiański Polabic Dialect(West Slavic-Lechitic) , for me, is one of the highest developed in all Slavic languages I have heard/read.
It’s indeed a very tough language for a foreigner to learn, just like that.
It’s one that will take long hours of hard study and also practicing.
One can’t learn Polish just by talking to natives, that would only take you so far, you could do so with English, Italian or even French, not doable with Polish
Some people get it easier than others, but whoever says it’s easy, probably studied for years.
I agree with you that Polish is one of the hardest languages to learn. I had my chance to try learn how to speak in this language last summer. I attended a superintensive course in language school in Poland (that school, if you wanna know: http://www.polishcourses.com). Biggest advantages of it was that we learned in small classes (which means that every single person had attention of teacher), in good conditions (place, I mean) and we were in touch with Polish culture, so we had an opportunity to use this language in life (we went on trips through the country during the course). It last only a month and I think I did a good job, but I’m still practicing online (because I’m no longer in Poland), trying not to forget what I’ve learned.
Polish is not very difficult language. ,,A” is always ,,a”, ,,b” is always ,,b”. But in English: ,,A” – apple [Polish: |e|pyl], Amy [Polish: |ej|mi], Washington [Polish: ł|o|szington]. You think about ,,Grzegorz Brzęczyszczykiewicz” is very difficult? And in your language are thirty-three tenses, and in Polish – only three.
First of all as a Pole I have to correct you, that there are some letters that are not always the same in pronounciation. Firstly you may hear different and write different. Example , a word kwiat – you say kfiat not kwiat. Another, pszenica and przystanek. You say almost the same first three letters, but you write differently. And how about two: ż and rz, how about ó and u, and h and ch ? And all those rules with “nie” written together or separately with another word?
And last but not least, in Polish there are not only three tenses, but seven tenses. Polish is very hard even for us Poles.
They say Polish has only 3 tenses, but it has the same number as English, they just don’t call them out separately. You still have to learn how all the contructs are formed. Polish has Gerunds and conditional and 2 sets of verbs for perfect and imperfect. English doesn’t have perfect and imperfect verbs. Nouns have 3 genders and 7 cases, that’s 21 different forms of the noun. English does not have cases.
Considering “czytać” you forgot one more form: “czytywać” and everything that goes with that.
“Czytywałem, czytywała, czytywało”
and multiplied for Plural, which is interesting because there are 3 forms of Plural: for 1, for 2-4 and above.
Słoń (an elephant)
1 Słoń
2,3,4 Słonie
5+ Słoni
Considering this that gives you 21×3 = 63 forms
This word is not sense.
Should be: “Wyindywidualizowaliśmy sie” as the Polish tongue twister.